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Its official, we're a christian country

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Personally I believe the various writers of the bible have mainly been people with an agenda to push, with the possibility of some genuine good folk contributing here and there.


I have no reason to believe any of it is the word of God so the only other likely conclusion is that the people who wrote it only SAID it was the word of God.


Wasn't it written over 400 years after the "fact", so it's all hearsay and fable anyway even if the events did actually happen in some manner or other.

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God help us when it becomes compulsory the way things are going. It's not right, it's not natural, and it shouldn't be treated as 'normal'. It isn't.


It's totally natural, it occurs in dozens of different species including humans.


Also, lol at your ridiculous paranoid fears.

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In a few very short years we've gone from homosexuality being illegal to it being not only accepted, but virtually celebrated.


God help us when it becomes compulsory the way things are going. It's not right, it's not natural, and it shouldn't be treated as 'normal'. It isn't.


I take it that you are not too keen on Gays then.

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And what, do tell, are they?


That you see acceptance of homosexuality as a slippery slope towards homosexuality becoming compulsory. It's absurd and hilarious, and highlights how your prejudice, like most, is borne out of fear.


Gay people are totally normal, and they aren't going to hide away any more, you'll just have to get over it.

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Yes it is.




As it occurs in almost every primate on the planet, just how is it wrong (unless god made a **** up)? we are not pigs and dogs we are humans'




Only up to a point, after which you simply become offensive.

you are offensive




Hence the prejudiced comments.

I don't have any prejudices against normal sexual relations only homosexuals




Ah, you believe the bits that back up your hatred.

Im a Christian and hatred is not in my nature.

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That you see acceptance of homosexuality as a slippery slope towards homosexuality becoming compulsory. It's absurd and hilarious, and highlights how your prejudice, like most, is borne out of fear.
Oh dear I thought as much, do try to see the tongue in cheek comments for what they are rather than take everything literally, you'll find life far less stressful if you can do that.


Gay people are totally normal, and they aren't going to hide away any more, you'll just have to get over it.
I didn't say they should hide away, but they are not totally normal. If they were, they would be heterosexual, and attracted to the opposite gender is such a way as is necessary to continue the species.

The very fact that we have survived a million years demonstrates unequivocally that they are not normal - or we wouldn’t have survived.

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