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"banks control the world ! Not governments " BBC interview with a trader

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Watched this on BBC a week or so ago

Interview with banker / trader were he reffers to banks as controlling the world - namely gold man sachs




We are all aware of coporate influence in out lives from everything we eat , watch and listen too


But how much of a influence do they have over our or western political structure ?


Is this London trader on the link really that far from the truth ?

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I have been following the story


Guess the " establishment " did not like what the trader had too say and called him a hoax


I have seen a BBC report which has verified the person as a real banker .



I am aware that Goldman sachs executives always get the top jobs in high American government offices . And visa a versa

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I've heard some pay 1% corporate tax ?


But the 1% figure comes from the amount of tax payed to the UK on their worldwide profits. If you where to look at the % rate for the tax payed purely based on their UK earned profits it would read a number that wasn't so headline grabbing.


You can't honestly expect them to pay tax to the UK on profits earned from their overseas businesses. So when you see numbers like bank X made £2 billion profit worldwide; you then have to look at how much of that £2 billion was made from their UK based businesses.


Anyway bankers don't control the world, it's the lizard people that do.

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