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City's influence over Conservatives laid bare by research into donations

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You're living up to your avatar there - weasel words. There is no global bank, no global bank standard, no global bank cabal.


Who writes the rules for banks?


Now, now dear chap. No need for the insults.


My avatar is a Fox by the way.


Who writes the rules for the banks? The banks, mainly.

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No, governments write the rules that matter.






Re the avatar, I did edit in a smiley and my apology for misinterpreting which particular pest you had used to represent yourself ;) << another smiley :)

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No, governments write the rules that matter.






Re the avatar, I did edit in a smiley and my apology for misinterpreting which particular pest you had used to represent yourself ;) << another smiley :)


Again, no need for insults.


I'm only a pest to you because you can't win the argument. ;)


So, now we are back full circle. You say it's governments that write the rules that matter. But we have a Tory government financed by the organisations that will be subject to the rules. That is a problem.

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They aren't "financed". Like all parties they get money from all sorts of places. You won't find me defending party funding but it's a stretch that's being made to some of the accusations implied.


Governments make regulations. It is important that we have representative and strong governments. I don't buy any argument that begins with 'greedy bankers' - to me it says volumes about the person putting it forward. It's lazy, counter productive, pejorative and simply idiotic.

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They aren't "financed". Like all parties they get money from all sorts of places. You won't find me defending party funding but it's a stretch that's being made to some of the accusations implied.


Governments make regulations. It is important that we have representative and strong governments. I don't buy any argument that begins with 'greedy bankers' - to me it says volumes about the person putting it forward. It's lazy, counter productive, pejorative and simply idiotic.


Again, no need for insults. Will you ever learn how to lose gracefully. :hihi:


The Tories get a great deal of their funding from banks. End of story. They would probably be insolvent without that funding. Hence the conflict of interest when introducing regulation of the banks. And like it or not banks do have a lot of influence over political parties - and as I've tried to explain above in a balanced way this influence extends into the core of the Labour party too but in different ways. If Labour were in power I have a horrible feeling we'd be having a similar discussion - after all they had almost 3 years post-2007 and they did virtually nothing.


Banks have the power to lobby and influence the policy that affects them. And they do (ab)use that power to their advantage. They can use it at national level and they can use it to influsence the outcomes in Basel as well.

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I hope that you take any perceived slight as tongue in cheek as intended. I don't use smilies but I've dusted them down this morning to try to convey a little extra meaning.



Banks have the power to lobby and influence the policy that affects them.

Of course they do. And?

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It is a big deal actually. The Conservative's financial existence is dependent on organisations that need to be restructured, organisations that will resist any change and use their influence to do so - it's a massive conflict of interest.


The same sort of conflict of interests the Labour morons have with the union morons?

So the Tories get cash from the people they help. Shock horror.


This is such a shock; I may have to go sit on the toilet and cry.

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The same sort of conflict of interests the Labour morons have with the union morons?

So the Tories get cash from the people they help. Shock horror.


This is such a shock; I may have to go sit on the toilet and cry.


This is not about the unions and Labour. It's about the Tories and the City.


But I take your point that as a whole party funding needs to be reviewed.

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I hope that you take any perceived slight as tongue in cheek as intended. I don't use smilies but I've dusted them down this morning to try to convey a little extra meaning.




Of course they do. And?


They can influence policy to their advantage and potientally to the disadvantage of the rest of the economy. For example, if they could prevent the split of retail and investment banks they can keep in place a situation where they continue to make huge profits while placing the rest of the economy at risk. Where the tax payer continues to be the backstop for the risks they take.

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... and that is why we need strong government full of people who care.


But the thing is, WE are that government. We get the leaders that we deserve and if we continue to be apathetic or blame others for our own failings then we'll not see the change that people say they want.


Forget party politics - now that the expenses scandal has gone away it's business as usual. That's OUR fault.

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