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Occupy Wall Street

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I don't really see what these clowns are so angry about. The banks have been around for years, the financial markets have been around for years, top people getting large end of year bonuses has been around for years.


Some people get paid more than me, it doesn't bother me in the slightest, it's all relative. For example, starving families in Africa might look at the amount the average worker in Sheffield gets paid and be disgusted at how greedy we are.


Violent demonstrations like this threaten the stability of our society and I fully support the American police in protecting decent people from these activists who threaten our way of life.

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I don't really see what these clowns are so angry about.


These 'clowns' are losing their jobs, buisinesses, houses and their way of life as you put it.


The banks have been around for years, the financial markets have been around for years, top people getting large end of year bonuses has been around for years.


The financial markets have never been so dishonest before, the rewards have been growing exponentially well beyond anything that could be described as reasonable for the last 2/3 decades most recently actually rewarding failure and dishonesty.


Some people get paid more than me, it doesn't bother me in the slightest, it's all relative. For example, starving families in Africa might look at the amount the average worker in Sheffield gets paid and be disgusted at how greedy we are.


It is indeed relative, the cost of food, land etc. in many of the poorer countries is also relative. I agree that we are a greedy nation and when faced with this reality I'm sure most people would feel a little disgusted at these inequalities too.


Violent demonstrations like this threaten the stability of our society and I fully support the American police in protecting decent people from these activists who threaten our way of life.


The most violence I've seen on the media has been from the NYPD using pepper spray on none violent protesters. I also see that J P Morgan have also supported the NYPD to the tune of $4.6m - how very decent of them.

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"I don't really see what these clowns are so angry about. The banks have been around for years, the financial markets have been around for years, top people getting large end of year bonuses has been around for years."


Weak none argument - child porn and murder have been around for years - there are not many that would suggest that is adequate justification for tolerating them.


"Some people get paid more than me, it doesn't bother me in the slightest, it's all relative. For example, starving families in Africa might look at the amount the average worker in Sheffield gets paid and be disgusted at how greedy we are."


I don't think these demonstrations are about the euphemistic 'politics of envy'. Nor do these demonstrations seem so much about greed. Rather they seem to represent a feeling in people that an economic world exists that has such exponential potential for destruction that basic human needs have been overlooked in it's favour.


"Violent demonstrations like this threaten the stability of our society and I fully support the American police in protecting decent people from these activists who threaten our way of life. "


Nothing threatens the 'stability of our society' so much as the current economic model. Asteroids and volcanoes apart, most every current threat to global security has been precipitated by it.

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"I don't really see what these clowns are so angry about. The banks have been around for years, the financial markets have been around for years, top people getting large end of year bonuses has been around for years."


Weak none argument - child porn and murder have been around for years - there are not many that would suggest that is adequate justification for tolerating them.


"Some people get paid more than me, it doesn't bother me in the slightest, it's all relative. For example, starving families in Africa might look at the amount the average worker in Sheffield gets paid and be disgusted at how greedy we are."


I don't think these demonstrations are about the euphemistic 'politics of envy'. Nor do these demonstrations seem so much about greed. Rather they seem to represent a feeling in people that an economic world exists that has such exponential potential for destruction that basic human needs have been overlooked in it's favour.


"Violent demonstrations like this threaten the stability of our society and I fully support the American police in protecting decent people from these activists who threaten our way of life. "


Nothing threatens the 'stability of our society' so much as the current economic model. Asteroids and volcanoes apart, most every current threat to global security has been precipitated by it.


Some might think that but for most of us the banks are not the enemy. The banks look after our savings and pensions and all our other investments; it's in nobody's interest to see the banks fail. Do these demonstrators really want to see decent working people lose their life savings and for pensioners to starve?


Like all left wing demonstrations these protestors haven't thought this through. Attacking people just because they're rich is all about envy.

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Some might think that but for most of us the banks are not the enemy. The banks look after our savings and pensions and all our other investments; it's in nobody's interest to see the banks fail. Do these demonstrators really want to see decent working people lose their life savings and for pensioners to starve?


Like all left wing demonstrations these protestors haven't thought this through. Attacking people just because they're rich is all about envy.


When those banks are bailed out the money is pretty much paid for using pensions and savings and those arrogant and feckless bankers in the higher echelons of their organisations continue to reward themselves with ever increasing amounts of money safe in the knowledge that they are too big to fail. This has nothing to do with right and left or envy, the system is broken and decent people are being punished for the wrongs created by the corruption and power of these fraudsters.

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I do think this protest could be the end of pure capitalism.


It is incredible how much momentum the protest is gathering and how thousands of protesters in the centre of the world's main financial district hardly gets a mention on any of our mainstream news formats.

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I do think this protest could be the end of pure capitalism.


It is incredible how much momentum the protest is gathering and how thousands of protesters in the centre of the world's main financial district hardly gets a mention on any of our mainstream news formats.



Yes, I can see how in a country of over 300 million people, a couple of hundred lowlifes marching up and down a street waving placards will bring capitalism to its knees. :rolleyes:


The best way to bring this disorder to an end would be to stop the protestors' benefits, on the grounds that while they're demonstrating they're not looking for work.

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