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March on London to protest against youth unemployment! Jarrow march 2011

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Abuse, oh dear, we are feeling sensitive. Maybe a smiley would have softened the blow :P

No, I'm not fussed, it just doesn't help your argument.


Any chance of an answer to these questions?

As an explorer? And that's only possible if we abolish land ownership?

Could be anything really. But an explorer would be restricted severely by current land ownership. The current land ownership restricts many types of business and work. We have land sat idle, and people unemployed whom want work. Due to the land ownership.


Land is available for you to work on. As discussed already, the town hall steps, the road washing cars, the library, star bucks, the park... What you're saying is you don't want to work on that land, you want your own land, exclusively, as if you owned it.
You can only think of service employment. You mean to say, you can shine someones' shoes rather than claim housing benefit, but you cannot build your own house. The man whom owns the land would rather it be sat idle.

I don't wish to own the land, I just wish to work upon it. The work would create wealth, and I could pay rent, rent unto the whole population, not one landowner.


"Supposing I wanted to run a some kind of shop or factory, I wouldn't be able to build a premises on some open land would I"

Right, now we've pinned you down a little. What you're saying now is that you don't just want to work, we gave you multiple possible examples of work you can do without needing exclusive rights to a piece a land (lets call those exclusive rights ownership). You don't need to own land to work. I'll have my £100 now please.

I never said you needed to OWN land to work.


For the 3rd time now I quote;


If you can explain to me how to create work without land (or sea), then I'll give you £100. You'll be able to inherit the earth!


No £100 for you.


If you do want to start a business that requires a factory, then hire it. If you've got a proper idea for the business it will make enough money to cover the rent and still make a profit. Maybe one day you can buy land and then have to flagellate yourself for being an evil land owner.


I don't want to own land 100% to myself. It should be owned by the collective, and a tax paid unto the people. I don't wish to rent land from a single landowner, he has no rights to own it all to himself in the first place.

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To be an explorer there'd have to be somewhere left to explorer. I don't think you're going to find that in the UK no matter who owns the land, it's all pretty thoroughly mapped. Hence my question about it as an example.

We've established that you don't require the ownership of any land to start a business though. You can start it from a street corner, a rented room, starbucks or the park.

I can't 'only' think of service industries, although why you think that's beneath you I don't know. Teaching is a service industry, software development or being a GP are service industries. The opportunity for primary or secondary industrial work have more requirements yes, but I'm sure we can think of secondary industry that doesn't require (exclusive access to or the ownership of) land.


You can't have it both ways Re: a requirement for land.

Either you don't need (to own) it, or it's available and your entire point never existed. Which is it?


Imagine tomorrow that we enact your communist dream and the land becomes the property of everyone.

Imagine some clever person who runs a business, pays his rent and amasses a lot of money. Imagine now that he offers the collective a large sum of money to purchase that land. Doh, we're soon back in the same situation as before and some future chem1st is whining about why he has no land.


What is it that you imagine underpins your statement that land should be a collective resource and that private ownership should not be possible? What fundamental thing makes that true?

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No we haven't.


"Theft is property"


"Property is theft"


Ownership of land is theft. The land should belong to us all.



So when you've got your bit of land, please post the details (Location - and what you're growing on it) on the forum.


After all, if the land belongs to everybody, you won't mind if everybody helps themselves to the crops growing on it, will you?

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Do you have a bicycle and a rucksack?


Become a self employed cycle courier.


When business grows, you could have a fleet of bikes covering franchised out courier patches.


They can keep their bikes at home.


Surely that's £100 for me too! :)

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I said "If you can explain to me how to create work without land (or sea), then I'll give you £100."


The bucket cometh from the land, the sponge cometh from the land, the car cometh from the land..


The bucket cometh from China because the cretin union leaders of the 60s and 70s were extremely powerful and caused massive inflation because of the massive pay rises they demanded.


Stuff your stupid lefty ideas because they are as unworkable as they are stupid.

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I don't wish to own the land, I just wish to work upon it. The work would create wealth, and I could pay rent, rent unto the whole population, not one landowner.




I don't want to own land 100% to myself. It should be owned by the collective, and a tax paid unto the people. I don't wish to rent land from a single landowner, he has no rights to own it all to himself in the first place.


The answer then is to rent land, office space or workshop space from your council. The office, land or workshop is owned by the people and you would pay rent to the people. I know a lady who runs a business in a council owned building for which she pays rent.

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So when you've got your bit of land, please post the details (Location - and what you're growing on it) on the forum.


After all, if the land belongs to everybody, you won't mind if everybody helps themselves to the crops growing on it, will you?


I will, I'm involved with a community organisation which is going to be using unused land to grow fruit and vegetables. The produce will be given out to community members for free. We have a few plots of land lined up, and should be able to give out fruit and vegetables next summer :)


More information will be given next year before harvest.


However, one should be free to rent land from the people and grow food for themselves to eat/sell.

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No we haven't.


"Theft is property"


"Property is theft"


Ownership of land is theft. The land should belong to us all.


We need not get rid of private ownership, but somebody who owns land in such a way, adversely affects another. They should pay a land value tax. To compensate everyone else for depriving them of the common land.

Ownership is evil.


Should you pay tax on your underpants, or would you rather share pants with others in your commune?

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I will, I'm involved with a community organisation which is going to be using unused land to grow fruit and vegetables. The produce will be given out to community members for free. We have a few plots of land lined up, and should be able to give out fruit and vegetables next summer :)


More information will be given next year before harvest.


However, one should be free to rent land from the people and grow food for themselves to eat/sell.

Hang on - 'rent land from the people'? But doesn't that mean that the people have stolen the land? It should not be owned, so nobody should pay rent.
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