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March on London to protest against youth unemployment! Jarrow march 2011

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Jarrow March 2011 sets off!

Hundreds of people rallied and marched through Jarrow today ahead of setting off to London. Representatives from the PCS & RMT unions joined the marchers and spoke in support of the campaign against youth unemployment. Kevin Maguire of the Daily Mirror addressed the rally alongside Lizi Gray whose great-grandfather was on the original 1936 march. The march set off with the RMTs brass band and received fantastic support from local people as it passed.

Full report and more pictures to follow.


Saturday 8 October


Demonstration through Leeds City Centre


Assemble 12 noon at Leeds University Parkinson steps


6pm Yorkshire PCS Young Members Network social at the

Fenton, Woodhouse Lane


Youth Fight for Jobs demonstration in Hull with Jarrow



Assemble 12 noon at the war memorial, opposite the train



Monday 10 October


Marching between Leeds and Wakefield


4pm Rally at the precinct by the cathedral


4:30pm meeting at the Wakefield Labour Club (also known as the Red Shed)


7:30pm gig at the Wakefield Labour Club (also known as the Red Shed)


Tuesday 11 October


Marching between Wakefield and Barnsley


5pm rally at Peel Square


Evening gig at the Pulse Bar, Wellington Street


Wednesday 12 October


Marching between Barnsley and Sheffield


4pm Protest at Job Centre


5pm rally at the Town Hall


7pm Sheffield Anti-Cuts Alliance meeting with Jarrow marcher speaking, 7pm, Sheffield University


Thursday 13 October


Marching between Sheffield and Chesterfield


2:45 rally at Chesterfield Market Place


Evening social event at Chesterfield Labour club


7pm in Lincoln, Lincoln Trades Council meeting with Jarrow marcher speaking


Friday 14 October


Marching between Chesterfield and Nottingham


12:15 rally at Shirebrook Market Place


2:30 rally at Mansfield Market Place


The youth have had to bear the brunt of this crisis, not only have their job prospects been destroyed, they do not have access to council housing like the generation before them. Their unemployment benefits are lower also.


These people WANT TO WORK. And they are marching on London.


Please turn up to support these people, when they enter Sheffield.


Bring bread, bring support, and if you can, JOIN THE MARCH!


These are the demands;


On the Jarrow March we are demanding:

A massive government scheme to create jobs which are socially useful and apprenticeships which offer guaranteed jobs at the end – both paying at least the minimum wage, with no youth exemptions.


The immediate reinstatement of EMA payments, expanding them to be available to all 16-19 year olds.


The immediate re-opening of all youth services that have been closed, including reinstating sacked staff.


The scrapping of ‘workfare’ schemes – benefits should be based on need not forced slave labour.


A massive building programme of environmentally sound, cheap social housing.

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What a pointless thing. Where is the money going to come from to create these jobs?


We could take back some of the money appropriated by the banks in "socially useless" schemes.


Then we might be able to provide a future for our youth rather than another penthouse for the chosen ones.

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What a bunch of socialist morons.

I hope they enjoy their pointless walks.


Leave us grown ups to carry on doing thing like going to work and paying into the system.


If these 'hard done' yoof want to work so bad why dont they try looking for a job a bit harder.


Bring back EMA my ar*e. Why should you get finanical reward for continuing further education which is already free or subsidised. If they have such a drive to further their education like they claim to - they should just do it. Just like every other generation before them. Dont tell me they cant afford the already tax payer subsidised bus fares and a few college supplies every now and then. Those in genuine need already get support and will continue to get it.. As the rest who demand EMA they are nothing more than lazy wasters looking for their first taste of free money handouts.


Massive building programme of houses?? Where are they living now. They are not all street homeless are they. Most of the yoof live at home anyway - many of which no doubt will be council housing subsidsed by the taxpayers. The pattern for most people is get a job, start paying your way and then find somewhere to live. That is when you make the ADULT decision of deciding what you can afford either by private rental, ownership or if needed (.....and IMO only IF needed) social housing.


As for youth services. If these services were used frequently and properly in the first place there would have been more of a fight and a defence against their closure. The fact is many of these services became nothing more than a hanging place and a flashpoint for Anti Social Behaviour. Very few 'yoof' clubs had high footfall because most of the generation had moved on to sitting around for hours playing on their PCs and Xboxes.


And as for jobs. There are still plenty out there.


Yes they get a lower minimum wage but so what? They dont know anything. They have no skills or experience. They dont have the same outgoings as most 18+ people. What did you expect.


Is it perhaps more likely that they dont want to lower themselves by starting at the bottom rung of the ladder?

Is it perhaps more likely that the phrase "i wouldn't get out of bed for that" is far too easily used.

Is it perhaps becuase they expect a right that everyone no matter their drive, ambition, effort or ability should get thousands of pounds of taxpayers money spent on them do to a pointless degree and then expect to walk into a £30k job?


Perhaps if they pulled their heads of their back end and spent less time marching on protests/pointless campaigning they might

experience what the real world is like :loopy:

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What a bunch of socialist morons.

I hope they enjoy their pointless walks.


Leave us grown ups to carry on doing thing like going to work and paying into the system.


If these 'hard done' yoof want to work so bad why dont they try looking for a job a bit harder.


Bring back EMA my ar*e. Why should you get finanical reward for continuing further education which is already free or subsidised. If they have such a drive to further their education like they claim to - they should just do it. Just like every other generation before them. Dont tell me they cant afford the already tax payer subsidised bus fares and a few college supplies every now and then. Those in genuine need already get support and will continue to get it.. As the rest who demand EMA they are nothing more than lazy wasters looking for their first taste of free money handouts.


Massive building programme of houses?? Where are they living now. They are not all street homeless are they. Most of the yoof live at home anyway - many of which no doubt will be council housing subsidsed by the taxpayers. The pattern for most people is get a job, start paying your way and then find somewhere to live. That is when you make the ADULT decision of deciding what you can afford either by private rental, ownership or if needed (.....and IMO only IF needed) social housing.


As for youth services. If these services were used frequently and properly in the first place there would have been more of a fight and a defence against their closure. The fact is many of these services became nothing more than a hanging place and a flashpoint for Anti Social Behaviour. Very few 'yoof' clubs had high footfall because most of the generation had moved on to sitting around for hours playing on their PCs and Xboxes.


And as for jobs. There are still plenty out there.


Yes they get a lower minimum wage but so what? They dont know anything. They have no skills or experience. They dont have the same outgoings as most 18+ people. What did you expect.


Is it perhaps more likely that they dont want to lower themselves by starting at the bottom rung of the ladder?

Is it perhaps more likely that the phrase "i wouldn't get out of bed for that" is far too easily used.

Is it perhaps becuase they expect a right that everyone no matter their drive, ambition, effort or ability should get thousands of pounds of taxpayers money spent on them do to a pointless degree and then expect to walk into a £30k job?


Perhaps if they pulled their heads of their back end and spent less time marching on protests/pointless campaigning they might

experience what the real world is like :loopy:


Excellent post.


Another point the organisers appear to miss is that back in 1936 there was no welfare state so the original marchers were geniuinely fighting for their livelihoods. There is no comparison to today where the average uneployed youth can get free money and a council house and spend his days getting stoned and playing computer games. It's no wonder they don't want to work.

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Much better to keep people unemployed, producing nothing, and bail out the banks with ever increasing amounts of QE :roll:


The entire problem here is one of outlook.


You characterise this as the government "keeping people unemployed", but it's not the governments job to employ people. The economy has made those people unemployed, the government can't just invent jobs and change that.


It's not the governments job to house you, employ you or feed you.

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