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Global Debt Storm - Osborne

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Growth??????? we did have it but NOT since the ConDems got in.


Indeed. No growth. More debt. More spending.


Osborne: ooops, I just realised I screwed up. Who else can I blame. Oh yeah, I blame the world.

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Did I say that they are?


But the facts are that W Micawber is as right now as he was then. If a big telly and an extra week away at half term are beyond your means that you spend sixpence more than you have, you are living beyond your means... no matter how much the nasty bloke across the road has.


Certainly Mr Micawber is right. But I notice you justify your statement with high-end luxury spending re; big telly and holidays.


Try repeating your statement using food and rent as the bottom line as this is where we are heading. A good number of people are there already. The third world has been living beyond its means for years but I don't notice too many big tv's over there, just a lot of very poor/starving people, and super rich/ corrupt leaders. Remind you of anyone?


Don't assume it couldn't happen here. It already is.

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Growth??????? we did have it but NOT since the ConDems got in.


Where did the money come from that was spent to stimulate the growth?


VAT Man went butt licking around the world trying to flog arms to unstable countries in the Middle East and brown-nosed his way into countries with high economic bargaining power to seek investment, (Investment being another term for lending). Meanwhile, The Boy Blunder was left behind to face the music, before putting his foot in it .... several times.

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Did I say that they are?


But the facts are that W Micawber is as right now as he was then. If a big telly and an extra week away at half term are beyond your means that you spend sixpence more than you have, you are living beyond your means... no matter how much the nasty bloke across the road has.


The whole banking system is based on them living beyond their means.


A few hundred years ago we hung speculators, now they commit fraud and pay the police to protect themselves with impunity.

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So without the banks and debt there would have been no growth.


Of course we need banks and or course we need credit. I never argued otherwise. I just don't think we need the banks in their present form.


They've taken down the world economy - it's no good celebrating the fact the banks gave us some growth if a couple of decades later the way they did it means half of us are living in shacks.


Bottom line - nobody can defend the way the banks have behaved. But have a try if you want. I think before the end of next year you will be agreeing with me anyway.

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