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Commons to debate EU Referendum

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Contrary view: EU needs the UK because of the huge turnover/throughput in the City of London's markets.

Is EU envious at UK's financial leadership? Yes, that's it.


Even though it shouldn't be, because they get so many things right, Germany is jealous to death of this country in so many ways, it always has been; the fact that we're an island for a start(they can't do much about that), our institutions and traditions, our history, our monarchy(yes I'm aware that the windsors were once Saxe Coburg gotha), and the British middle class being the standard the world aspires to be like; but most of all, its the English language they're most envious of, the fact it is so widely spoken around the world, whereas no one speaks German as a first language apart from germans. :hihi:

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If the UK exits the EU, Frankfurt will become the biggest EU financial trading place.


And you can garantee they won't wait long to make their play on London (Germans have been eating away at the UK professional services sector for a few years now, and quite successfully at that).

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wouldnt we destroy UK farming as many are heavily subsidesed through the common agrigultural policy? not to mention all the arts grants and funding

No. Being subsidised with your own money is like being given charity by the thief who's just stolen all that you own. Plus UK farmers would benefit from being allowed free trading unhobbled by the loopy CAP.

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And you can garantee they won't wait long to make their play on London (Germans have been eating away at the UK professional services sector for a few years now, and quite successfully at that).

Of course, as that's precisely how the fourth-reichian takeover of the UK is already proceeding quietly.

The difference is:

1. Currently the UK cannot stop the insidiousness, due to EU rules.

2. Once out, the UK can!

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