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Brand new -VS- Second hand

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This is basically a short rant becouse the big dog's dont listen to or take advice from the "customer's".


Is there a way to make them see the light.


second hand shop "CEX" sell this http://uk.webuy.com/search/index.php?stext=xperia+x8&ispostback=1&mode=buy £80 for the nearest thing to brand new your going to get


and the "3" store sell's the same product. http://threestore.three.co.uk/payg/dealsummary.aspx?offercode=DSL15PP304 £69.99 for Brand new product


the cheapest phone's second hand in cex are in very poor condition with no accessories and no box. you get the charger and a smile if lucky. they DO test the phone's for around an hour but this dont work unless you "lived" with the phone. i had to take a samsung galaxy back due to a couple of fault's that wont show up if u just sit there for one hour with them i ranted and raved about these several fault's and came back after testing expecting them to say yes fair enough there's problems with the phone.as i got the the counter a lady came back with the phone saying "sorry but we can not find a fault" thus me not being able for a refund as i was explaining to her that you need to do more to test these phone's she was playing around with it and luckily one of the fault's showed up and i got my refund. if this wasn't the case i would have been left with a very expensive brick or doorstop.


where as if you are willing to spend 1 pound extra you will be able to get a brand new untouched phone with all accessories and a decent garuntee in the knowledge that you didn't purchase it from a second hand store with loop hole's as to you not being able to get your money back or exchange of product if it come's out to be faulty..


basically i dont see how cex can sell there phone's for more than they cost brand new and be blind to this. maybe they baught the phone's close to the time they were released and hence the pricing. but surely they should check the stock list price's against major company's to make sure that the "second hand shop" is actually cheaper than buying a product brand new..


Maybe this is one for WATCHDOG!

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I think it's down to the customer to shop around to get the best deal. Sometimes there are bargains to be had buying second hand, but surely any rationale person would check the price of the same item new to make sure they were getting a good deal?


In the case of the three phone, you also have to buy £10 credit and presumably it is locked to their network so you would have to get it unlocked if you didn't want to use three. And the £69.99 is a special offer - it's normally £89.99.


This is basically a short rant becouse the big dog's dont listen to or take advice from the "customer's".


Is there a way to make them see the light.


Don't shop there. If enough people do that they will either have to review their prices or close down.

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I think it's down to the customer to shop around to get the best deal. Sometimes there are bargains to be had buying second hand, but surely any rationale person would check the price of the same item new to make sure they were getting a good deal?


In the case of the three phone, you also have to buy £10 credit and presumably it is locked to their network so you would have to get it unlocked if you didn't want to use three. And the £69.99 is a special offer - it's normally £89.99.




Don't shop there. If enough people do that they will either have to review their prices or close down.


yes it is networked lock and you do have to purchase credit.


but the cheapest one in cex is also network locked to 3 but no need to buy the extra credit. since it is on 3 the cheapest unlock price would be around £25 tho and 3 is actually a great network with better bonus' to topping up. such as unlimited internet "no fair usage policy" and 300 mins 3000 text's better than most other networks.


besides that bit. the product's i have showed. are the same network but one second hand (in the worse condition possible) and one brand new

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So why didn't you buy the new one? That is what I would have done.


im not onabout buying one brand new or second hand.


its the fact a "second hand shop" sell's stuff for more than it cost's brand new.


and the price for one in terrible condition with no box or accessories is only £1 cheaper than one brand new. other's in a "as new state" cost £10-£20 more than one baught from a shop selling them brand new with no previous owner's.


surely this in a second hand shop should be illegal. thus the shop checking prices of brand new product's to their product's and pricing them accordingly as one's in "as new state" should be £10 cheaper and the one's in poor state should be like 75% cheaper .


not saying this is realistic or will ever happen. it's just what i think

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im not onabout buying one brand new or second hand.


its the fact a "second hand shop" sell's stuff for more than it cost's brand new.


and the price for one in terrible condition with no box or accessories is only £1 cheaper than one brand new. other's in a "as new state" cost £10-£20 more than one baught from a shop selling them brand new with no previous owner's.


surely this in a second hand shop should be illegal. thus the shop checking prices of brand new product's to their product's and pricing them accordingly as one's in "as new state" should be £10 cheaper and the one's in poor state should be like 75% cheaper .


not saying this is realistic or will ever happen. it's just what i think


Ahem!...it sells because people like yourself buy from these shops. That's why they exist.


I sold a 1992 Rolex Submariner for £400 more than its original price 5 months ago..is that wrong? If that's the case then how do we reckon on the housing market?

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Ahem!...it sells because people like yourself buy from these shops. That's why they exist.


I sold a 1992 Rolex Submariner for £400 more than its original price 5 months ago..is that wrong? If that's the case then how do we reckon on the housing market?


mate. it doesn't sell. these have been sat in the cex shop's for month's. lol


and as for the rolex thing am sure antiques are meant to go up in price so no that is not wrong

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mate. it doesn't sell. these have been sat in the cex shop's for month's. lol


So obviously the public realise they're a con and CEX won't make any money on that line.


I'm still not sure what the point is - nobody is forced to shop at CEX and any rationale person would shop around before making a purchase, surely?


Should it be made illegal for Marks and Spencer to charge £1.50 for a loaf of bread when Netto sell one for 75p?

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So obviously the public realise they're a con and CEX won't make any money on that line.


I'm still not sure what the point is - nobody is forced to shop at CEX and any rationale person would shop around before making a purchase, surely?


Should it be made illegal for Marks and Spencer to charge £1.50 for a loaf of bread when Netto sell one for 75p?


mns charge more per loaf. it's like rolex watch(marks and spencers) charge more than unbranded watch(netto's). nice quote with the m'n's vs netto's but there brand new loaf's of bread with the same packaging and accessories lol so that goes off subject it's not like netto's (aka asda now) sell second hand loaf's.


yes nobody is forced to shop at cex and yes there will be rational decision's made if you see a second hand phone for 20 quid more than the new product from a retail store your obviously going to buy the one that's brand new.


all i have done in this post is point out


Second hand shop sell's phone for more than a brand new shop ! !


you get the point now?. not saying anyone get's scammed not saying anything bar from second hand should have cheaper price than a shop that sell's them brand new

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The shop has every right to sell the phone at what price it like, fact!!!!


It is your business to do your research,, fact


Supply and demand. We often buy the newest gadget car and don't expect a discount but if we were to by an item that had been around for some time, we'd try and negotiate if it cost thousands. We never go to 2nd hand shop but ebay is a good example but we only sell our used cars there or buy the odd, odd item

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