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Loud mouth people

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i did assume that denlin was referring to my viewing of x factor and not my rant wrong assumption perhaps....but if there are any loudies viewing this thread i would be interested to know why you feel the need to shout your head off.


No you were quite right I did mean that I'd rather listen to your neighbour than X factor:D:D

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There is a woman who lives near us and she is constantly screaming at her kids. You can literally hear her every night and she lives across the road!


Other than the fact that it is irritating, I worry about what effect it will have on her kids. Will they think its normal?

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  • 3 years later...
yes and i know some people have to put up with worse when it comes to noise but i'm a bit prejudiced in general against loud mouths. i must admit.-- i should be more tolerant


I sympathise, someone said to me recently that people with the worst voices make the most noise:P

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  • 8 months later...
dont know her name if i did wouldnt divulge it anyway . i have shut the windows now so can watch xfactor in peace.but its been so hot today and she was out in her garden earlier.it was only her i heard i never hear her husband.she seems to shout at him a lot.


Lol made me chuckle

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is it just me or does it irratate other people.theres a woman who lives near me with a voice like a fog horn i can hear her yelling now and she lives two streets away.windows are open so that doesnt help.but why do some people have to shout so much,there seems to be more of these loudies about lately.


My personal explanation is that it's one of the 'benefits' of multiculturalism. Unfortunately, it's a universal law that everyone and everything falls to the lowest common denominator, and this particular 'benefit' originates in parts of Africa where it's considered very rude to speak to a person on one side of the street if people on the other side can't hear you. Consequently, more and more people in Britain are speaking louder than they ever did before and irritating the few of us who remain true to our original upbringings. I honestly don't think it's going to improve. We've allowed it to happen and seem to have no intention of changing it, so we can only learn to live with it.

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astrols, that's one of the most ridiculous explanations for gobby people I've ever read. Neighbours have been shouting the odds at one another ever since I can remember and I'm not a youngster.


I'm going to presume you're trolling. So consider me hooked :D

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