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Halloween (short story)


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I'm new to the group and misremembered the theme for the October short story as 'Halloween' rather than 'Horror!'. I was over the word count anyway so decided to flesh it out a bit more and then post as a separate story. Any comments and criticisms gratefully received :)






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Now then. I've had a first read of this, and I'll try to give you a more detailed critique later, but here goes:

It's a charming piece that has its tongue firmly in its cheek. It almost seems to be told with a knowing smile on its face. There's a sense of childlike-ness - and I don't mean that in a negative way - about the writing that is quite winning.

I'll give you some more detail in the near future.



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As a story, it seems a little 'tongue-in-cheek'. I can see where you are coming from though, and I suspect it might be just a teeny weeny bit satirical. However, if i'm not mistaken, there is no dialogue whatsoever, which kills it for me.


Do you intend to contribute more writing? You should, as you can obviously write. Have a go at the SWG monthly competition. 500 words is a real challenge.



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Hi Ron Blanco, thank you, really glad you enjoyed it!


Hi Ian Rivedon, yes it is not at all serious although i wouldn't say satirical, more silly. I wasn't sure how well that would come across, whether it would just seem naff. In respect of dialogue i realised part way through that there wasn't going to be any unless i started again and did it very differently, which i didn't want to do because i was having too much fun. I would like to write more stories (time/life permitting) and have a go at the monthly themes - I agree, 500 words is definitely a challenge!

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