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Halloween (short story)


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I enjoyed this a lot, Fraggledance. I definitely saw it as a satircal piece and very tongue-in-cheek, as has already been mentioned. I love that I thought I knew what the ending would be but was wrong. I'm a lifelong mystery fan, and I love nothing more than to be outsmarted by a clever maneuver with the storyline.


IMO, the thing to be careful about here is to give in to too many cliches (such as the letter to the local paper, and the entire city living in a state of nervous anticipation) and/or treat them too seriously.


Moments I love: all the bits about the pumpkin heads. So genuinely funny. And especially "A cloud moved," and Steve suddenly found himself in the position he was in. Your twist at the end is superb.


You mentioned in a previous comment that this is more silly than satire. IMO, if you really want to capture readers, you should go all-out for the satire. That would make this piece really live up to its potential.


Hope this helps!

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