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Under 16 pass for bus fares in Sheffield


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But why are you all ready to s**g bus drivers off, for just doing their job?


Like you said, the idea of the pass in the first place is to let children aged 11-16 get subsidised fares, ok......, so once you have a pass, common sense says you keep it on you at all times.


Nearly every child carries a mobile phone these day and you won't find them without out it, so why does'nt this apply with bus passes?????


You complain about the cost of replacing lost / damaged passes, but lets be fair, if children looked after their passes and carried them like they do their mobile, then there would'nt be problem with lost / damaged passes would there?




Like stated earlier in the discussion, a bus driver just acts under orders, just like any other person, working in any other profession, and to s**g them off, just for doing their job is pathetic!

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i have a 10 year old daughter and she has a pass.I was fed up of drivers asking 4 a pass i went down to the interchange and they gave her 1 no probs.I would keep bugging them as kids look older than what they r these days :thumbsup:

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Originally posted by dieselbabe

Right has anyone who got kids that are under 16 and not got a bus pass for them to pay child fare ever get asked " how old is your child".


I got a 10 year old and on the bus this evening and it has happend befor as well, we got asked this question.One bus would not let us on unless we had a pass for her even tho she still had on her primary school uniform on and does not look over 13 never mind 16.We had a few passengers that stuck up for us and tryed to tell the driver she did not look over 16 but it did not work.so say thanks if you was one of them on the 97 bus today.


So i went down to the interchange to get her a pass wile we was in town to ask how we get one,and was told she does not need one till she starts secondary school.When i told them that ive had problem befor all i got was "well to me she does not look the age to pay full fare".I agree with this one but that does not solve my problem of ingnorant bus drivers that think she is over 16. How stupid are they these bus drivers,do they get more wages or something of how many full fares they get in a day/week.All they was botherd about was incase i get charged £35 for haveing a wrong ticket for her :loopy:.


the term jobsworth springs to mind,...........let me guess, a first mainline bus? why can't be judge each case on its merits

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Isn't it simple logic that if, in order to get a reduced fare you need proof of entitlement to that fare, then you should have to show your pass? You wouldn't go after an NUS 10% reduction without an NUS card or a B&Q reduction without your pensioners' card so why should buses be different?


In the case of younger kids looking older then they all ought to be able to get a pass if necessary. But I get annoyed when you see teenagers thinking they have a 'right' to travel at a cheaper rate even if they don't have proof. Last week about ten 14 year old girls were getting on the bus and three had no passes. The driver decided to let them on anyway (obviously had enough with them) and then they stomped down the bus effing and jeffing about the driver having the nerve to ask them for passes? :confused:

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Originally posted by Mathom

Isn't it simple logic that if, in order to get a reduced fare you need proof of entitlement to that fare, then you should have to show your pass? You wouldn't go after an NUS 10% reduction without an NUS card or a B&Q reduction without your pensioners' card so why should buses be different?



this kid was 9 and he was in his primary school uniform,.....therefore clearly not over 16!


when i go to a bar i don't need to show ID cos i clearly look over 18!!!!


If the driver is in any doubt then sure, ask for ID but come on the kid was 9,............why can't people just use their brain


oh, and you clearly haven't read the thread- its not simple logic- interchange told the parent kid didn't need a pass!

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Alex C has this right in that the Megatravel pass is more about showing how old the child is. It is also a proof of residency within South Yorkshire.


Dieselbabe you should be able to get a Megatravel pass, if you've been challenged then i can see no problem at all. Not getting the pass until they are 11 is not set in stone, so can i clarify that you have been refused a Mega pass?? (sorry if i've missed it somewhere).


However i do agree that at thsi young age a driver shoudl apply a little more common sense

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I recently had the same problem with my 9 year old son. The driver asked for his pass but I didn't have a clue what he meant. When he said for my son, I was gobsmacked and told the driver he was only 9!

I must have had a stroppy driver, he was convinced my son was 14, but I insisted he look at my son's face, anyone could see he younger than that, the drivers response "I'm not a mind-reader". So what do you do? Tell him no, he must need new glasses and risk getting evicted from the bus?

The trouble with passes is that you cannot get one if your child is not in secondary school. He's still at primary.

Someone suggested passes from 9 years up, the problem would still be the same, some drivers would say they didn't know what under 9 looked like, the same as free travel for up to 5 years old. You'd still get drivers saying they look older than 5.

I now make my son stand in front of the driver so they can get a good luck at his face and actually see that he is not trying to cadge a ride at a reduced rate.

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