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The English flag: Perception and propriety

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I wouldn't have any thoughts about you; you would just be another individual expressing your freedom to wear what you like.


Great, looks like my chances of being attacked in the street just reduced by at least 1 in 70 million! That's a good thing.


So you'd say that for you, people can wear ANYTHING...?

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The reason is that anyone displaying pride in being English is considered a bit of a nutter.

I am proud in many ways, to be English, of course I am old enough to remember when this was a country to be proud of, before package holiday makers showed us up everywhere.


But more deep seated is the fact we do not own our own country.

It is owned by the House of Saxe-Coburg, latterly known as Windsor.

Every occasion, no matter what is, revolves around them.

Even something as solemn as remembering our War dead at the Cenotaph has them centre stage.

Until we are rid of this set up, it will never be possible to be truly proud, and claim this as our country.


The Windsors been around for 110 years, or six generations, and they've always been well behaved. That's more than enough for me to regard them as a full part of England. Indeed, nowadays they demonstrate the values I'd associate with being English better than many do. What specifically is your issue with them?


I think I could take pride in being English. Much more so, when I think about it, than in being part of the UK.


Scotland is a beautiful country with a rich heritage and an enormous chip on its shoulder. I bear no intrinsic ill will to the Scottish but I can't abide the feeling of being taken advantage of (economically) and detested at the same time only on the basis of far-gone history. If they don't have the guts to up and split (my money says they won't) maybe they could begin to show a little appreciation for the Union and give me reason to take more pride in Britain. The Scots' present position of taking with one hand and raising the middle finger on the other is untenable.


The Northern Irish are nice enough when they're not trying to kill each other (or us) but strike me as more Irish than British. Nevertheless, on the basis of those people that I've encountered from Northern Ireland, I think I could feel proud of a Union with them, if enough of them were into that.


Finally, the less said about Wales the better, what a depressing place that is, all the problems of Scotland and extremely few redeeming features (as a nation, I have met a rare few outstanding Welsh people).

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We are inundated with data from a young age that the flag should be something to be ashamed of. The Empire and all that. The left are responsible for this.


The flag is something to be proud of, for all it represents...


Land of hope and glory.....\:)

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We are inundated with data from a young age that the flag should be something to be ashamed of. The Empire and all that. The left are responsible for this.


The flag is something to be proud of, for all it represents...


Land of hope and glory.....\:)


Which flag are you referring to? Union, English or both?

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The Windsors been around for 110 years, or six generations, and they've always been well behaved. That's more than enough for me to regard them as a full part of England. Indeed, nowadays they demonstrate the values I'd associate with being English better than many do. What specifically is your issue with them?


I think I could take pride in being English. Much more so, when I think about it, than in being part of the UK.


Scotland is a beautiful country with a rich heritage and an enormous chip on its shoulder. I bear no intrinsic ill will to the Scottish but I can't abide the feeling of being taken advantage of (economically) and detested at the same time only on the basis of far-gone history. If they don't have the guts to up and split (my money says they won't) maybe they could begin to show a little appreciation for the Union and give me reason to take more pride in Britain. The Scots' present position of taking with one hand and raising the middle finger on the other is untenable.


The Northern Irish are nice enough when they're not trying to kill each other (or us) but strike me as more Irish than British.


Finally, the less said about Wales the better, what a depressing place that is, all the problems of Scotland and extremely few redeeming features.


You mean our Queen and George VI have been well behaved, before then they wernt well behaved at all. Edward VII was a Nazi in all but name.

It was only when the PM of the time laid down the law to them, (Balfour was it?) that they started to behave.

On the other countries, it is time Ireland was reunited.


If Scotland do try to go alone, they are done for. They should also remember that the first king of Great Britain was the scot James VI, or James I as he became known.


Wales has been part of England since Edward I time, for them to want to go back is like England demanding to be part of Norway.:hihi:

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Great, looks like my chances of being attacked in the street just reduced by at least 1 in 70 million! That's a good thing.


So you'd say that for you, people can wear ANYTHING...?


Or nothing, if that takes their fancy.

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You mean our Queen and George VI have been well behaved, before then they wernt well behaved at all. Edward VII was a Nazi in all but name.

It was only when the PM of the time laid down the law to them, (Balfour was it?) that they started to behave.


I'm not a good student of history so I'll trust your word on that. The latest batch seem fine to me at any rate.


On the other countries, it is time Ireland was reunited.


I support NI's right to self determination. Hopefully they can come to a solution or at least a significant majority opinion without too much further bloodshed or hatred.


If Scotland do try to go alone, they are done for. They should also remember that the first king of Great Britain was the scot James VI, or James I as he became known.


I think Scotland would have a fighting chance alone, but they'd undeniably take a hit to their living standards and I don't see any particular advantage for them. Hopefully the debate around it at the moment will at least make some Scots realise what the Union does for them. The SNP might get their referendum but I can't see them getting their desired result.



Wales has been part of England since Edward I time, for them to want to go back is like England demanding to be part of Norway.:hihi:


Precisely my feeling about the Welsh. I find it insane for them to hold a grudge for 800 or so years. Yet, they do.

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