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The English flag: Perception and propriety

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Hilarious, Frank.


I particularly liked the story about the builders who were told they couldn't show the English flag and did as they were told.


I liked the story ... I didn't believe it, though.


Some people, not you of course, dispute things and when evidence is provided discredit the source and the witnesses...:hihi:

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Hilarious, Frank.


I particularly liked the story about the builders who were told they couldn't show the English flag and did as they were told.


I liked the story ... I didn't believe it, though.


An interesting quote from the article..


Shopkeeper Mohammed Hussain, 34, added: ”It is patronising to assume the St George’s cross would offend Muslim people and fuels the prejudice of racists who want any excuse to hate Muslims and Asians.”


Its usually some over educated, middle class, "right on" pencil neck who comes up with daft bans like this. Fair play to the shop keeper, he's bang on...


What he's saying is that actions like this ban do much more damage to race relations and fuel the growth of protest groups like the EDL and political parties like the BNP. If, the said, do gooders just kept their big noses out race relations would be much better and the EDl and BNP would disappear. Both the BNP and the EDL gain support because of these daft bans and policies..:D

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Errr... a hyperlink to an unsubstantiated claim isn't 'proof' Frank.


'Evidence' is (or should be) open to challenge. In a court of law, the Jury is often faced with conflicting evidence. Both parties can't be telling the truth and the Jury has to decide.


This forum is hardly a court and if you expect anybody to believe an unsubstantiated post, you may have an uphill battle.

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Errr... a hyperlink to an unsubstantiated claim isn't 'proof' Frank.


'Evidence' is (or should be) open to challenge. In a court of law, the Jury is often faced with conflicting evidence. Both parties can't be telling the truth and the Jury has to decide.


This forum is hardly a court and if you expect anybody to believe an unsubstantiated post, you may have an uphill battle.


One man's link is another man's jinx....:D

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If, the said, do gooders just kept their big noses out race relations would be much better and the EDl and BNP would disappear. Both the BNP and the EDL gain support because of these daft bans and policies..:D


The BNP and EDL are gaining support, are they? The BNP's electoral performances - when they can get a candidate to stand - have been awful and the EDL's "support" is limited to the drunken and criminal and always will be. As for the do-gooders, I suppose you feel that only right-wing bigots should be allowed to stick their noses into race relations.

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The BNP and EDL are gaining support, are they? The BNP's electoral performances - when they can get a candidate to stand - have been awful and the EDL's "support" is limited to the drunken and criminal and always will be. As for the do-gooders, I suppose you feel that only right-wing bigots should be allowed to stick their noses into race relations.


I do think they gain support but its short lived. When it counts there's no commitment.

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Let's say you came across me in the street and I was wearing an English flag. For example, on a pair of athletic trainers, where it just happens to fit the colour scheme way better than the union flag. What would be your first thought?


- That person must be a massive racist?


- Oh no a football hooligan?


- This guy is English?


- Something else? (Be nice)


I would think that you were a supporter of England's fastest growing political party - the English Democrats!


Not left, not right - just English!

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The flag has been allowed to be hijecked by xtremists.


We only fly the unions jack on her majestys birthday.


There's a fair bit of truth in that. The daft extreme right have taken it as their symbol while the equally cretinous left decry anyone flying the flag as a racist.

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