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New Bar - Boudica


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No wires crossed, just because Rnb and house is thrown in amongst the tracks doesn't really warrant it to be labelled as nothing but "Chav Rnb and house". And surely playing a good mix of the 8 mist popular music genres is actually sensible? The comments seem argumentative for the sake of it.


It really is quite simple.


Decent bar, good music, quality yet affordable drinks. Ticks all the boxes id say. Nobody will ever get it right to please everyone but fingers crossed it will appeal to the majority.


Sometimes it's better to go for one market, rather than trying to appeal to everyone... By playing 8 types of music, rather than focusing on one and doing it well, you may end up not pleasing anyone... Unless you are going for the the group party thing, like stag and hen parties where all those present have a different idea of what a great bar looks like, so somewhere middle of the road seems the best bet...

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I'm all for new and interesting bars and I will be sure to check it out next time I'm in town.


However I don't see the point in you pretending to be impartial like you're just doing us a favour telling us how amazing it is. It's your bar and you're proud of it and you have come here to tell us and I'm glad you did; I love to try new places. Just don't treat us like idiots.

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Certainly not impartial and no intention of pretending otherwise. Surely the first post where I put all the details of the bar such as address and contact details gave that away. And me saying I had posted it in behalf of the owners would be another tell tale sign. But regardless the info is there to inform.

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I may sound argumentative, but it is devils advocate.


You come to a public forum with words like eclectic, unique and yet you want to appeal to the majority?

Definition of Unique......

1.existing as the only one or as the sole example; single; solitary in type or characteristics: a unique copy of an ancient manuscript.


having no like or equal; unparalleled; incomparable: Bach was unique in his handling of counterpoint.


limited in occurrence to a given class, situation, or area: a species unique to Australia.


limited to a single outcome or result; without alternative possibilities: Certain types of problems have unique solutions.


not typical; unusual: She has a very unique smile.


Sorry, but at any bar on West St you get student orientated mid week offers and you can also find a 'mash up' of different music styles. All I can see so far that is so different is your hanging chairs, not so unique.


You have been overly defensive after misreading Tuftys post, and the only person you agree with so far is someone that agrees with you!


Promote a new venue 'as requested by the owners', sums it up really.

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I agreed with an accurate account as it was the only one from someone who had been inside the venue. Im going to be defensive against anyone who is quick to give a negative opinion when they do not know what they are talking about.


youve contradicted yourself there havent you, posting a definition of unique and mentioning the hanging chairs, that no other venue in sheffield has got...........making them unique, making that part of the bar unique. the feature walls are also unique as no other venue in sheffield has anything similar.


Its a bar, ofcourse its meant to appeal to the majority, if it played soley one style of music it would appeal to minorities!!! Which is why you find most music orientated events that play one specific genre are often monthly because they wont sustain weekly, therefore an eclectic mix of music is needed to appeal to everyone, so there is something for everyone to enjoy.


Every bar in sheffield focuses on students mid week with deals, not just west street.


Pointless comments!

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Ok you win, it has hanging chairs.


Apart from that though it plays a eclectic mix of music for everyone, including non chav house and rnb (which for the record is different to chav house and rnb apparently), it is located with all the other bars in town and it focuses on students mid-week.


Oh actually maybe I was right, one factor out of many is 'unique'.


I am more than happy to try somewhere new, but trying to promote somewhere that is doing what all the bars around it are doing doesn't fill me with wonder.

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I may sound argumentative, but it is devils advocate.


You come to a public forum with words like eclectic, unique and yet you want to appeal to the majority?

Definition of Unique......

1.existing as the only one or as the sole example; single; solitary in type or characteristics: a unique copy of an ancient manuscript.


having no like or equal; unparalleled; incomparable: Bach was unique in his handling of counterpoint.


limited in occurrence to a given class, situation, or area: a species unique to Australia.


limited to a single outcome or result; without alternative possibilities: Certain types of problems have unique solutions.


not typical; unusual: She has a very unique smile.


Sorry, but at any bar on West St you get student orientated mid week offers and you can also find a 'mash up' of different music styles. All I can see so far that is so different is your hanging chairs, not so unique.


You have been overly defensive after misreading Tuftys post, and the only person you agree with so far is someone that agrees with you!


Promote a new venue 'as requested by the owners', sums it up really.


Not all bars are as generic on West St are as generic as you have suggested, Wick At Both Ends is a prime example, Old no7 also.

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Not all bars are as generic on West St are as generic as you have suggested, Wick At Both Ends is a prime example, Old no7 also.


Precisely my point, there are other 'unique' bars that don't feel like they have to be the same as all the others.


But playing a mash up of 8 different genres is not exactly leading the way. On one hand they want to be unique and different, on the other appeal to the masses and give everyone something to like.


You can't do it all.

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