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Please give us your winter advice

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Winter 2010 was one of the most severe we've seen for many years, with thousands of customers left with frozen pipes and no water. As part of our winter campaign we're giving advice on how to protect pipes and properties during a cold spell, but we'd also like your help. What did you do last winter to protect your home from the frost? Perhaps you knitted some insulation for your pipes or just popped round to check on your neighbour's house over Christmas - either way please share your tips with us and help millions of others across Yorkshire get ready for winter!

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Winter 2010 was one of the most severe we've seen for many years, with thousands of customers left with frozen pipes and no water. As part of our winter campaign we're giving advice on how to protect pipes and properties during a cold spell, but we'd also like your help. What did you do last winter to protect your home from the frost? Perhaps you knitted some insulation for your pipes or just popped round to check on your neighbour's house over Christmas - either way please share your tips with us and help millions of others across Yorkshire get ready for winter!


I kept the heating on and im still bloody paying for it now!!!:|

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We used newspaper and popcorn to create a non-blocking insulator inside the air bricks in the kitchen walls to prevent the water pipes behind the air bricks from freezing as they were beforehand. Biodegradable, cheap and easy to replace :)


We also followed the advice of many of the colder countries which was to prevent condensation and damp problems by throwing open all of the windows for 5 minutes every morning and use a fan to blow out all the stale, damp air then start again with fresh air inside the house.

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I insulated every bit of the water pipe I could find! My cellar is alot less draughty now as I also blocked up a flue in an old water heater.


I will be stocking up on salt. Keeping a spade in the house.


I am also going to buy a parafin greenhouse heater to keep in the cellar. Hopefully that will keep the temparature up so the pipes don't freeze! Hopefully it won't cost me as much as running an electric heater...!


I will also be stocking up on cat litter just in case as my two kitties do not like the snow!

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We learned the hard way, but insulate your outside the tap!!!

We just used a few old tea towels to wrap the tap up and that helped from the pipes freezing over, again. Nothing like waking up on a cold Saturday morning wanting a hot shower and finding out you have no water.


Seal up all drafts under doors and windows to keep the heat in (we have a nasty one under our front door, as were about to replace it, going to fill up all holes with spray foam to seal it off)


Clear your paths, salt/sand heavily and do it early. The sooner you do it, the less work you have to keep doing and the less likely of chunks of ice to build up. Also its nice to use the path and not the street to walk on. We live on an active street and because of myself being proactive, my neighbours could walk in front of ours and not slip.

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My washer is in the garage, and I had two bursts last winter, not going to happen this year tho' I will make sure the pipes are well lagged and turn the washer taps off if it not in use. The first time it happened, the weather was so cold, that as the water ran down the drive it froze!!! What a night that was!!!

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