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As a bus driver tell me which job do you think carries most daily pressure, driving a semi automatic tube train on rails in a convoy system, or driving round the streets of london weaving in and out of parked delivery vans and receiving verbal abuse from some passengers because you are late through no fault of your own.

Now ask should one set of drivers receive such a premium over the others.


I would say the tedium of the tube makes the role rather more stressfull but the opinion I offer is worthless as it is speculative.

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I would say the tedium of the tube makes the role rather more stressfull but the opinion I offer is worthless as it is speculative.
I think you need to learn a little more about workplace stress if you think tedium can generate more stress than confrontational situations.
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I think you need to learn a little more about workplace stress if you think tedium can generate more stress than confrontational situations.


You are both tedious and confrontatioinal so I guess you are qualified to comment;as you will note I did not prefess to be an expert and said my comments were specualative;by contrast you have the experience to be definitive.

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You are both tedious and confrontatioinal so I guess you are qualified to comment;as you will note I did not prefess to be an expert and said my comments were specualative;by contrast you have the experience to be definitive.
Do try to remember your manners ;)
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As a bus driver tell me which job do you think carries most daily pressure, driving a semi automatic tube train on rails in a convoy system, or driving round the streets of london weaving in and out of parked delivery vans and receiving verbal abuse from some passengers because you are late through no fault of your own.

Now ask should one set of drivers receive such a premium over the others.


Hi Gordonb


Well I have a confession to make. I stopped driving London buses full time in 2002 when I moved away and started driving coaches. I stopped driving those full time in 2006 and to cut a long story short, whilst I still drive coaches as a hobby once or twice a month, I'm now a qualified main line train driver.


Now coach work has always paid less than bus work as it is as you have suggested far less stressful. There are always vacancies for qualified bus drivers but positions in a good coach company are hard to find.


Now as far as I know on London Underground, all tube drivers are paid the same regardless of whether their train has ATO (automatic train operation) or not. I think it's also important to note that all tube drivers receive the same full training which lasts 6 months. They are paid for their knowledge rather than what they do. It's a sad unfortunate fact that it's very easy to get and train up bus drivers. Many are Polish and can barely speak English. Staff turnover on the buses a very high. The entrance exams for any train driving job are tough, competition is immense and so only the best get through these days.


So whilst yes bus driving is hard, bus drivers are subject to abuse etc, it's a very low skilled job in my humble opinion. Many see it as a stop gap job before getting something better.


On the DLR the attendant or passenger service agent can be anywhere on the train. They only drive in emergencies as most people know. But tube drivers in the cab of an ATO train are responsible if the train overshoots the platform or for spotting obstructions. They may not be driving but have to keep an eye on the train. ATO often fails on the central line so drivers often have to drive manually. The jubilee lines ATO doesn't cope well with slippery rails. The most reliable ATO train seems to be the Victoria line.


Also Im not sure how strict the tube is on things like signals passed at danger (SPADS). On the main line any transgression of the rules will result in the driver being removed from the train and investigated.


Sorry if I'm rambling just my thoughts. If any one has a question regarding bus/coach or train driving I'd be happy to try and answer.

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Still waiting for an answer from Mecky here... Mecky, you've waited until a couple of pages have passed, then started again.
All Mecky ever seems to do is hop into threads to drop snide one-liners or make peronal digs at other posters; he/she actually exceeds Halibut's style in that respect.
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