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Bob crow negotiates a great deal for his union members,

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Politics of envy


That would be socialism, and not what is being portrayed here. Most are just astonished that such a high amount is being paid to relatively low skilled people. Some have questioned why they get such a healthy salary while others also in the public sector who are more deserving to many are earning much less.


So this is not about envy at all and in most cases pretty benevolent in fact.

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Most are just astonished that such a high amount is being paid to relatively low skilled people. Some have questioned why they get such a healthy salary while others also in the public sector who are more deserving to many are earning much less.

Like Bob Crow's members: they Mind The Gap.

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Sounds like sour grapes....not heard of any of his members moaning, have you?

I am sure they will be quite happy to know Mr crow obtained such a good deal for them..


Depends on what happens to the many many non London Underground members. Lets see if gobs*ite Bob Crow can bully as easy next time a normal railway worker wants a pay rise? Or perhaps one of those 2000 possible RMT members who used to work for Bombardier. Or the several hundred workers previously working for Jarvis Rail.


Its easy for him to stroke his own ego when he has a victory against LU. They always cave in because the tube is so essential.


The midland mainline, for example, not so essential.

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Depends on what happens to the many many non London Underground members. Lets see if gobs*ite Bob Crow can bully as easy next time a normal railway worker wants a pay rise? Or perhaps one of those 2000 possible RMT members who used to work for Bombardier. Or the several hundred workers previously working for Jarvis Rail.


Its easy for him to stroke his own ego when he has a victory against LU. They always cave in because the tube is so essential.


The midland mainline, for example, not so essential.

wasnt it the tories who gave the contract to siemans :huh:
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wasnt it the tories who gave the contract to siemans :huh:


But wasn't the deal sign sealed and delivered by the Labour Government and the Tory's just happened to be in power when it kicked in and couldn't really do anything about it. Unless they broke the contact and no doubt us tax payers would pick up the bill when Siemans sued us for bucket loads of money.

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Thank goodness. Quite how tube drivers get by on just £50k for pressing the 'open doors' button I don't know.


That hard-left cretin Crow actually compared them to Airbus pilots, but pointing out that the tube may have more passengers.


Well it certainly beats trolling for a living

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But wasn't the deal sign sealed and delivered by the Labour Government and the Tory's just happened to be in power when it kicked in and couldn't really do anything about it. Unless they broke the contact and no doubt us tax payers would pick up the bill when Siemans sued us for bucket loads of money.
so how come the germans and french dont stick to eu rules when it pleases them in giving its own workers jobs :huh:
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so how come the germans and french dont stick to eu rules when it pleases them in giving its own workers jobs :huh:


Don't know, why don't you go ask the French or German's.


Still doesn't take away from the fact that the Labour Government gave the contract to Siemans in the first place.

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Same sour grapes as when people complain that the bankers' bonuses are too high?


But the train drivers do their jobs, they don't bankrupt the country, cry and whinge, get a bail out, pay themselves millions in bonuses then threaten to go abroad.

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