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French bank failing

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on the news right now that a french and belgian bank is struggling and may need bailing out, what i need to know is is my small nest egg safe?





This is not new, was talked about yesterdya - most banks have a gov back sche


which bank you with

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just letting people know NO banks are safe, the best thing you could do with your money is buy supply food for the next few years.

Total collapse before christmas 2011





It is a very serious offence to give out financial advice is you are not professionally qualified, fact


you may htink we are joking but a bloke got jailed a couple of years back.


We recommend that if you do not have the appropriate qualifications from the fincial services idustyry that you add. "please Do Yuor Own Research, = DYOR" and that tells people that you are only guessing

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on the news right now that a french and belgian bank is struggling and may need bailing out, what i need to know is is my small nest egg safe?


No, your small nest egg has, and is been destroyed by inflation, especially if you foolishly deposited it into a bank!


QE = printing of money = inflation.


Have you read the book, FIAT money inflation in France?




I recommend you read it an appreciate the downfalls of paper money


"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value: zero."


That is all you need to know.


Invest in rope, guillotines, upside down crucifixes and lighters. They will soon be in demand!

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LDevill, with lloyds tsb, i want to put it in premium bonds OH says leave it.


If you put it into Premium Bonds you will forgo any interest that you might earn.


They are backed by the Uk Government though. Which is as safe as anywhere these days.

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