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Would a week on the street make you a better person?

Would a week on the street make you a better person?  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. Would a week on the street make you a better person?

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I don't think it would help me much. I could identify street living drug uses so I could start a businesses taking money from the pathetic and sexually exploit as many of them as I could with a prostitution ring so they could afford the drugs.


I could make a fortune.


Look up the poem called scabs by Jack London, then change the word pimp for scab. That will give you an understanding of why pimps truly are the scummiest lowlifes that are on this planet. Do you really want to emulate these s*** suckers?

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Would a week on the street make you a better person?


Sleeping rough, making your own entertainment, avoiding danger or maybe looking for it, finding cash from who you can, and food from where you can.


Would it round off a few of your rough edges?


There was an interesting social experiment that was televised a couple of years ago, where 4 celebrities went to live on the street to see how they'd cope.


Leaving aside the sad fact that programmes about serious issues like homelessness can't be made without having celebrities in, what hit home was the disdain with which those with homes treated those without homes.


Lots of people on the street are ex army who can't cope with life on civvy street and those with psychiatric problems (and if they don't have psychiatric problems already, living on the street will almost certainly cause them).


It would certainly make the arrogant more humble.

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I don't think it would help me much. I could identify street living drug uses so I could start a businesses taking money from the pathetic and sexually exploit as many of them as I could with a prostitution ring so they could afford the drugs.


I could make a fortune.


And to think they let you work in a school.

You really are disgusting.

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I slept in the nightshelter at St George's crypt in Leeds about twenty five years ago and I've never forgotten it. One night only, for research purposes, but it was something I'll never forget.


An old guy lent me his gloves to use as a pillow. I was deeply touched.

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I don't think that there would be any need for me to understand quite how tenuous our grasp on the things that we call 'normality' can be, even at times we think that everything is fine. Thankfully I've never needed to sleep rough, but I have been at risk of it, and it has taught me to value the things that are important (people, good will, the basics of life) and to also see that other things are not important.


The world will not end if I don't have a TV, or new clothes, or a whole load of other things, so whilst it's nice to have them I am under no disillusion that they are a privilege and not a right.

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I don't think that there would be any need for me to understand quite how tenuous our grasp on the things that we call 'normality' can be, even at times we think that everything is fine. Thankfully I've never needed to sleep rough, but I have been at risk of it, and it has taught me to value the things that are important (people, good will, the basics of life) and to also see that other things are not important.


The world will not end if I don't have a TV, or new clothes, or a whole load of other things, so whilst it's nice to have them I am under no disillusion that they are a privilege and not a right.


Very well said :)


A few years ago I did IT work for a local Homeless charity, NOMAD it was.. I enjoyed the IT work but seeing the homeless put me off a bit, especially one day when I saw a guy passed out on the floor, NOMAD were very understanding though, they said they've had people who've seen that kind of thing and never gone back, but I decided to be stronger than that and carried on volunteering!

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I don't think it would help me much. I could identify street living drug uses so I could start a businesses taking money from the pathetic and sexually exploit as many of them as I could with a prostitution ring so they could afford the drugs.


I could make a fortune.




is this an attempt at humour or are have you had some kind of spiritual experiance and you need to tell the truth about your self:loopy:


is that how you really feel about the people living on the streets in indonesia?:huh:

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is this an attempt at humour or are have you had some kind of spiritual experiance and you need to tell the truth about your self:loopy:


is that how you really feel about the people living on the streets in indonesia?:huh:


I'm afraid it probably is; I've seen some of the other stuff he's posted today (which was taken down). He seems to regard the poor as peasants and scum.

What a sad individual.

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I slept in the nightshelter at St George's crypt in Leeds about twenty five years ago and I've never forgotten it. One night only, for research purposes, but it was something I'll never forget.


An old guy lent me his gloves to use as a pillow. I was deeply touched.




I had a similar experiance when I was staying in a doss house in london in my twentys in winter, no money ,no job,no friends and very deppressed 8 people in one room ..same thing an old bloke who'd been through the war, offered to stitch up my jacket that was falling apart ,I broke down in tears ,that was the first act of kindness anybody had shown me in months.


I've never forgot the power of compassion.


I've been on the streets as they call it a couple of times (overseas)in my twentys sleeping rough and going without food no money.

I just found it very hard to get out of that situation

if certain people hadn't helped me I don't know what I'd have done.

as for making me a better person .it just made me a very bitter person for a long time towards soceity.

as for the people who slag off christians and I'm anti christian

they were the only people who helped me ,and i'll be for ever grateful to them.

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Would a week on the street make you a better person?


Sleeping rough, making your own entertainment, avoiding danger or maybe looking for it, finding cash from who you can, and food from where you can.


Would it round off a few of your rough edges?


when you do it as an experiment tony I think

it just makes you appreciate what you've got.


as for real homeless people I don't think they'd have any edges left .'


I do know some people in aus who run a block of about 10 flats which they let for free to homeless people usually with emotional and mental problems'.


and they tell me the one thing they can guarrantee will happen every time when they open the door for them and give them the key to their new flat is

without fail they always break down and cry

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