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What's the biggest thing that you've killed?

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I've never killed anyone but the some of the people I' used to work with in defence have.

I just find it quite intresting how you can actually train someone who's quite normal to go out and kill another human being and then bring them back to socitey and say to them "live a normal life".


my work mate did lot of killing in veitnam for the oz army.(they were attached to the oz sas,who used to set up the ambush's for them, then they'd go in and do the killing)

he said the training he had was very tough and argressive 6 or 7 weeks of more less breaking is spirit then just when he thought he coud'nt take anymore they changed tack and started to build is spirt back up:D only their way .

btw they only struck the nva once and that was the first time they thought they were going to die ,"they fought back and they knew how to fight ".[/b]

mainly it was veitcong they struck always in twos with their guns over slung over their shoulders he said they never had a chance.


he reckoned the only time he ever felt any kind of remorse was when he searched the body of one of the vc they'd just shot and found photos of is wife and two kids



I really regret having posted that admission. I must try better to control my temper and impulses. But since I did post it I might as well fill in the details

In my case we came upon a village which the NVA had paid a visit a few hours earlier. There were five old women, an old man and three young kids left alive. The NVA had either shot or fragged the rest. Two women had been killed by inserting bamboo poles into the anus and the village headman had had his right hand chopped off before he was shot through the head.


Later that day we ran into the NVA who had carried that out. There was a firefight which lasted about 35 minutes. I lost a good mate and there were three other wounded. The NVA lost about 30 odd before they broke off and retreated


Do I have any regrets? In that case no.


You'd be quite amazed though at how the instict for self survival kicks in when it's either us or them. You never wanted to be taken alive by the NVA


I might add that you never forget these things. They just have a bad habit of creeping back up on you. I couild be enjoying a beer and a laugh with friends at any time and all of a sudden those dead people in that village fill your mind again like a black cloud.

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