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World collapse is coming! What are you going to do?

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The demonstrations aren't aimed at Obama. More directed at Wall Street and the one percent of fat cats who are raking in the gelt while the other 99 percent are clearly discontented at the way things are having a very negative effect on their lives.


The Republican Tea Party supporters of the one percent are the ones who should be worried.


Whether these demonstrations will grow into a national movement on the scale of the civil rights of the 60s remains to be seen. Not all of them have done so


I think it might happen Harley. Hope you have made plans like me :(

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Could the 2012 predicted major event be true? If I'm honest I couldn't care less, apart from the possibility of my elderly parents suffering. I'd like to rip it all up and start again. We've made a mighty mess of the planet. Only the strongest will survive. There'll be mass conflicts and food shortages. I'm ready to fight for my life if it happens, I hope you are?

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Could the 2012 predicted major event be true? If I'm honest I couldn't care less, apart from the possibility of my elderly parents suffering. I'd like to rip it all up and start again. We've made a mighty mess of the planet. Only the strongest will survive. There'll be mass conflicts and food shortages. I'm ready to fight for my life if it happens, I hope you are?


Sorry Frank, I'm not prepared to fight for your life, far too much on at the mo'. I do wish you the best of luck though.:)x

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The very rich and powerful would never allow the world economy to collapse as money would become of no value. In that situation they would lose their power and become equal to everyone else. That would never do! They would however allow the world to teeter on the edge as this can greatly benefit them. If the common people are afraid of losing their homes and other possessions it gives the worlds most powerful a huge stick to hit them with.

The rich and powerful like it that way and can use it to make themselves even richer and more powerful.

They make themselves richer every day by employing us to make the goods ,food etc,on low wages then selling the stuff back to us at inflated prices .Its been like this for a thousand years , in that time there has been a few little set backs , The Russian Revolution , China, etc but it does not take long for people to return to greed. George Orwell says it all in Animal Farm.

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You're eerily close Frank.:)


I watched the 'one' show, I know, I'm sad. But the money men boffiins (and a woman too :confused:) said that we are really doomed. It's going to make the 30's depression look like a garden party in MOS's back field/landscaped gardens. What the hell are we going to do? :(

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I watched the 'one' show, I know, I'm sad. But the money men boffiins (and a woman too :confused:) said that we are really doomed. It's going to make the 30's depression look like a garden party in MOS's back field/landscaped gardens. What the hell are we going to do? :(


Every man for themselves old boy. Don't worry too much though, those of us who have worked hard with our inheritance will come through the other side smelling of roses.:)

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Every man for themselves old boy. Don't worry too much though, those of us who have worked hard with our inheritance will come through the other side smelling of roses.:)


I hope so, but then again, all I have is a pot. :( But I do have a flat window to throw it out off. And yellow liquid to place in said pot.


The only roses I smell are weeds.

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