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World collapse is coming! What are you going to do?

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Bank balance 0

Cash readies sufficient.

Land to grow food upon - problem/developing

Worry for my elderly family members on fixed income = high.


The inflation genie is wreaking havoc!


The older generation are possibly the best placed to cope with having less.

I can remember powdered eggs and rationing, no telly or central heating. :o .


We are usually capable of cooking stuff from scratch, we can make a pot of carrot and leek soup last several days. ;) (We already do!)


Our 'extravagance' is our heating. My OH and I want to keep warm, so we pay for it all year round so no shocks in the winter.

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This time next year, many of us will be eating beans and toast. MEGA FACT.


Nowt wrong with beans on toast. They're full of nuturition and iron. I always overdose on them and orange juice with vitamin C in the run-up to giving blood just to keep the iron levels up. Much healthier than the obesity-making rubbish people stuff down their throats in times of economic boom.

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The older generation are possibly the best placed to cope with having less.

I can remember powdered eggs and rationing, no telly or central heating. :o .


We are usually capable of cooking stuff from scratch, we can make a pot of carrot and leek soup last several days. ;) (We already do!)


Our 'extravagance' is our heating. My OH and I want to keep warm, so we pay for it all year round so no shocks in the winter.


They are the worst placed, they are likely to remain unemployed whilst their fixed incomes are destroyed by inflation.


Pensions not rising, whilst heating costs go through the roof. Can they survive the winter? A drop in the temperature to below freezing and they will die by the thousand.


FIAT money is collapsing.

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The three basic types of people:


Those who take action.

Those who watch while the action takes place.

Those who wonder what just happened.


I fear most SF forum members are clearly in the last category. :P


This from The Guardian





Or how about





Also from The Guardian.







I suspect most people on here are more clued up about the fictional characters in their favourite soaps than they are about the events that are shortly going to reshape their lives forever.


As I've said before, welcome to "beans on toast Britain". Your stay will be a long and miserable one.




You see to have a very high opinion of yourself and a low one of the people who use this forum. I for one have never watched a soap opera and keep well abreast of national and international news and don't need anyone else to tell me what is happening and how I shold be responding to it.

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The very rich and powerful would never allow the world economy to collapse as money would become of no value. In that situation they would lose their power and become equal to everyone else. That would never do! They would however allow the world to teeter on the edge as this can greatly benefit them. If the common people are afraid of losing their homes and other possessions it gives the worlds most powerful a huge stick to hit them with.

The rich and powerful like it that way and can use it to make themselves even richer and more powerful.

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The implication in some posts is that by being aware of an impending crash, you will somehow be in a position to insulate yourself from it. Well, before anyone goes congratulating themselves about being a step ahead of the herd, I think they should ask themselves this question: In what way is this knowledge going to help avoid the consequences of economic meltdown?


Unless you have the dosh to gamble on the collapse (like many of the people who caused it are now doing) or you are have land to grow food, then the information is pretty much useless in practical terms. We are in uncharted territory, and nobody can really predict with any accuracy how a total economic crash will manifest itself. Therefore, unless you are loaded or have lot's of land, there isn't really much you can do to plan for it.

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