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World collapse is coming! What are you going to do?

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The fact is you must realize that governments will not let the Armageddon scenario you seem to think might happen ever come about at all.


The recession maybe slow in passing. Unemployment may stay at high levels for a period of time but we'll pull through it sooner or later.


I'm too old to take Doomsday scenarios seriously. The only one I ever took seriously was the Cuban missile crisis


It's nice to hear from someone who's not verging on the point of hysteria.


I know how serious the problems are, I read the threads and links on the internet and know there are sensible and learned people predicting all sorts of things. But I also think a lot of hysteria is being whipped up and it's contagious, to the point where it might become a self fullfilling prophecy if we're not careful.


I'm alarmed at the number of people who seem to be actively looking forward to the mayhem, (if it should come to that.) Do they honestly appreciate what it's going to be like? They talk as if it's going to be like one of their computer games - action with no consequences. Have they ever watched people die? I have - it's not pleasant...


Yes, things are changing, I don't deny it, but there will still be the same number of pigs and sheep, crops in the fields, oil in the wells, etc unless we decide to change it violently. War is the worst thing that can happen. Revolution is only a last resort when you're on the point of starvation. We are not.


The looting we saw in London only hurt the ordinary people like us. We should be helping and respecting each other, not shooting ourselves in the foot. Do you think the bankers honestly gave a toss? And if an uprising were to start, how do you ensure that they are the ones who suffer? Money is a highly effective insulator. You have to be cleverer than that... Now if anyone's got a cunning plan...

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No joke! Go google!


The economy is ready to fail. Worst than we could ever imagine. All the big time boffins state so. Our Goverments are papering over the cracks. Europe is only days away from becoming a major skint zone. No more bail outs, no more cash.


This time next year, many of us will be eating beans and toast. MEGA FACT.


Are you really ready for the fall out?


Or keep sticking your heads in the sand and keep watching 42inch tellys?




I'm gonna start a beans on toast making factory :)

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I have no idea how long it takes to breed that stuff, but you might have missed the boat. Maybe breed them, and not tell anybody else?


I can always steal them from my neighbours They dont hang people anymore for chicken rustlling


Of course going into a bank carrying a gun and telling the counter clerk to hand over them chickens (the new currency) might get me on a wanted poster.

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I was a bank tycoon in a previous incarnation. When Wall street collapsed in 1929 and left me penniless I jumped from the top floor of the Empire State Building
It wasn't built yet. It was completed in 1931. You could have jumped of a girder I suppose.
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