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World collapse is coming! What are you going to do?

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Euro meltdown would pave the way for another Great Depression [The Independent, 17 October 2011]


Europe's lost decade as $7 trillion loan crunch looms [The Telegraph, 16 October 2011]


10 Essential Fiscal Charts Demonstrating America's Disastrous Condition [Pew Policy Institute, PDF link]


UK economy brought to grinding halt by euro crisis [The Telegraph, 17 October 2011]


Economic Crisis in Europe; Unpayable Debts, Impending Financial Insolvency [The Market Oracle, 16 October 2011]


Move along, nothing to see here.


Pretty grim reading to be honest. What can we do? :( :(

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That won't last 5mins!! Think ahead!! Before all the mugs clear Asda shelfs!!


Looking into the eyes of Cameron today . . . I think we are on.


You read it here folks! So, forget the rubbish threads, get as much tinned stuff in as you can!!


I will survive by eating all those corpses(plenty of protein)

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I will survive by eating all those corpses(plenty of protein)


That's what the dinosaurs thought after the meteor hit the earth, good feeding for a while until the corpses ran out and they became the corpses themselves!!


The plant eaters survived. I bought a lettuce from a guy today, I am going to dry it out and plant the beans from it.

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That's what the dinosaurs thought after the meteor hit the earth, good feeding for a while until the corpses ran out and they became the corpses themselves!!


The plant eaters survived. I bought a lettuce from a guy today, I am going to dry it out and plant the beans from it.


Good point!

Maybe i should concentrate on eating "the plant-eaters" instead my friend.

Would prefer fresh meat anyway.

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It's nice to hear from someone who's not verging on the point of hysteria.


I know how serious the problems are, I read the threads and links on the internet and know there are sensible and learned people predicting all sorts of things. But I also think a lot of hysteria is being whipped up and it's contagious, to the point where it might become a self fullfilling prophecy if we're not careful.


I'm alarmed at the number of people who seem to be actively looking forward to the mayhem, (if it should come to that.) Do they honestly appreciate what it's going to be like? They talk as if it's going to be like one of their computer games - action with no consequences. Have they ever watched people die? I have - it's not pleasant...


Yes, things are changing, I don't deny it, but there will still be the same number of pigs and sheep, crops in the fields, oil in the wells, etc unless we decide to change it violently. War is the worst thing that can happen. Revolution is only a last resort when you're on the point of starvation. We are not.


The looting we saw in London only hurt the ordinary people like us. We should be helping and respecting each other, not shooting ourselves in the foot. Do you think the bankers honestly gave a toss? And if an uprising were to start, how do you ensure that they are the ones who suffer? Money is a highly effective insulator. You have to be cleverer than that... Now if anyone's got a cunning plan...


A sensible, compassionate and intelligent post. Probably the only one I've read on Sheffield Forums.


And you're right. There's a lot of fear-mongering on both sides, and many would have us believe that we will be plunged into an financial-apocalypse scenario leaving us fighting over scraps. Personally I think these people have read too much sci-fi and watched too many films.


But if things are going to change dramatically, why does it have to mean Mad Max scenarios? Why don't we as human beings prove we don't need to be at each others throats to survive? Aren't we better than that? Wouldn't we be better off, if The Man has set us on fire to laugh at us burning, to work together?


Still, if you guys think stockpiling tins of beans is going to do it, good luck.

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Upon what do you base this opinion?


French president Nicolas Sarkozy: "If there isn't a solution by Sunday, everything is going to collapse".


French president Nicolas Sarkozy has raised the stakes dramatically in Europe's debt crisis.


"If there isn't a solution by Sunday, everything is going to collapse," he told his inner circle before an emergency trip on Wednesday night to see German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Frankfurt.


The talks are deadlocked, reflecting a deep rift between Euroland's two great powers. The French fear the EU's €440bn EFSF rescue fund will not be enough to shore up monetary union without mobilising the might of the European Central Bank as lender of last resort. It is a view shared by UBS, Citigroup, RBS and the US Treasury.

LINK [Telegraph, 19 October 2011]


"Upon what do you base this opinion?" Dear lord, could some people on this forum be any more obtuse?

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French president Nicolas Sarkozy: "If there isn't a solution by Sunday, everything is going to collapse".



LINK [Telegraph, 19 October 2011]


"Upon what do you base this opinion?" Dear lord, could some people on this forum be any more obtuse?


I appreciate this may come as a shock but did you know that newspapers often exaggerate stories in order to get more people to buy a copy?


Dear lord, could some people on this forum be any more naive?

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I appreciate this may come as a shock but did you know that newspapers often exaggerate stories in order to get more people to buy a copy?


Dear lord, could some people on this forum be any more naive?


Why do you say that? Is it you grabbing all the tinned stuff or what? I think many on here are taking steps to avoid potential meltdown.


I have. Anybody else? :(

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I appreciate this may come as a shock but did you know that newspapers often exaggerate stories in order to get more people to buy a copy?


Dear lord, could some people on this forum be any more naive?


Will it happen this Sunday instead? It's all getting heated at the Commons tonight. :(

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