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World collapse is coming! What are you going to do?

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I would head for the hills with the family. Gather like minded people around me, form a tribe, build a stockade with watch towers, arm ourselves to the teeth, erect a god statue carved out of a rock and we would all fall to out knees and worship the rising sun every morning.

We would go out in hunting parties for food and kidnap the odd virgin or two for ritual sactifice before our stone god.

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I would head for the hills with the family. Gather like minded people around me, form a tribe, build a stockade with watch towers, arm ourselves to the teeth, erect a god statue carved out of a rock and we would all fall to out knees and worship the rising sun every morning.

We would go out in hunting parties for food and kidnap the odd virgin or two for ritual sactifice before our stone god.

You Are moving to the ARBOURTHORNE!

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It was a mild attempt at a humorous comment based on the fact that the Stephen King who wrote that piece, and is evidently some sort of financial journalist, has the same name as Stephen King, the much more famous horror novelist. I'll give up now.


I'm lost on that one. Are we doomed or not? Some of the boffins appear confused. Me? I'm still stocking up.


Anybody else? :(

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I don't profess to know a great deal about how the economics of this world work. One thing I am pretty sure of though, is this great economic mealtdown will definately come if the media keep saying it will.


The media have such an influence on the world and how it works, i reckon a blanket ban on media scaremongering would go a long way to preventing it.


I think you are looking at it totally wrong


The media is the mouth piece of these corporations which are now causing all the problems ....


The media stream line is that all is gona be ok


The refused to call it a depression and instead use soft touch words

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I think you are looking at it totally wrong


The media is the mouth piece of these corporations which are now causing all the problems ....


The media stream line is that all is gona be ok


The refused to call it a depression and instead use soft touch words


1000% on the mark peas. The Sun (Mr Murdoch) will not spread the deal, and never will. A few token stories from peeps that have a brain on there, and the rest will get the sack. Or moved on.

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Panic not............ The financial solution is to converge to one single currency worldwide and that currency should be the 10 pence mix up.


It costs exactly the same now as it did when i was a kid and has therefore survived the boom and bust and is clearly inflation proof.


Successive variable governments and government police makers have never managed to raise the price of this rock solid investment although it is not one for the speculators as the price has remained absolutely static so no profits to be made.


Stock up on 10 pence mix ups.

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Panic not............ The financial solution is to converge to one single currency worldwide and that currency should be the 10 pence mix up.


It costs exactly the same now as it did when i was a kid and has therefore survived the boom and bust and is clearly inflation proof.


Successive variable governments and government police makers have never managed to raise the price of this rock solid investment although it is not one for the speculators as the price has remained absolutely static so no profits to be made.


Stock up on 10 pence mix ups.


I can get it on tick. My word is my bond ;)

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I think you are looking at it totally wrong


The media is the mouth piece of these corporations which are now causing all the problems ....


The media stream line is that all is gona be ok


The refused to call it a depression and instead use soft touch words


Quite the reverse, the media sell papers by exaggerating stories to near hysterical levels so people feel the need to buy the paper to find out what's going on.


If the "financial crisis" had been described more accurately as "some share prices have fallen a fair bit but will probably pick up again soon", who'd be bothered to read it?

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