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World collapse is coming! What are you going to do?

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The very rich and powerful would never allow the world economy to collapse as money would become of no value. In that situation they would lose their power and become equal to everyone else. That would never do! They would however allow the world to teeter on the edge as this can greatly benefit them. If the common people are afraid of losing their homes and other possessions it gives the worlds most powerful a huge stick to hit them with.

The rich and powerful like it that way and can use it to make themselves even richer and more powerful.


Don't bet on it. As has been pointed out, the high finance parasites are already figuring out how they can gamble on the collapse to increase their wealth further. If one currency looks like going under, they will sell it and buy a stronger one which will go up in value because of the amount of people suddenly buying it. When they judge that has peaked they will repeat the process. If - as you suggest - all currencies become worthless, they will put their money in things like gold, natural resources and arms. When currencies eventually stabilise again, the worlds wealthiest 1% will own a larger proportion of wealth than ever. It's happening already.



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No joke! Go google!


The economy is ready to fail. Worst than we could ever imagine. All the big time boffins state so. Our Goverments are papering over the cracks. Europe is only days away from becoming a major skint zone. No more bail outs, no more cash.


This time next year, many of us will be eating beans and toast. MEGA FACT.


Are you really ready for the fall out?


Or keep sticking your heads in the sand and keep watching 42inch tellys?




I see the tinfoil hat conspiracy theory looneys are starting early today. :loopy:

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Don't bet on it. As has been pointed out, the high finance parasites are already figuring out how they can gamble on the collapse to increase their wealth further. If one currency looks like going under, they will sell it and buy a stronger one which will go up in value because of the amount of people suddenly buying it. When they judge that has peaked they will repeat the process. If - as you suggest - all currencies become worthless, they will put their money in things like gold, natural resources and arms. When currencies eventually stabilise again, the worlds wealthiest 1% will own a larger proportion of wealth than ever. It's happening already.




You have virtually repeated what I said as if I had not said it!:roll:

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You have virtually repeated what I said as if I had not said it!:roll:


Not entirely, you said that the super-rich would loose out from a total economic global collapse. I said I think they would profit further by snatching up recources at rock bottom prices. It's pretty much the opposite of what you said.


We do agree that they are profiting from the current economic climate, but that is not the part of your post which I highlighted in bold.

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Not entirely, you said that the super-rich would loose out from a total economic global collapse. I said I think they would profit further by snatching up recources at rock bottom prices. It's pretty much the opposite of what you said.


We do agree that they are profiting from the current economic climate, but that is not the part of your post which I highlighted in bold.


I think that you should read it again. I stated that the rich would not allow the world economy to collapse. By propping up certain currencies they would not be doing that.:)

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The very rich and powerful would never allow the world economy to collapse as money would become of no value.

They are of course only powerful because they are rich, and so your statement about them 'not allowing' a collapse only makes sense if the nature of the collapse doesn't render money irrelevant and the rich therefore no more powerful than anyone else.

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They are of course only powerful because they are rich, and so your statement about them 'not allowing' a collapse only makes sense if the nature of the collapse doesn't render money irrelevant and the rich therefore no more powerful than anyone else.


You almost got it there!:)

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World collapse is coming! What are you going to do?


That's an easy one: Continue on as before. Lots of people are panicking over this because it will be a complete lifestyle change, but there is no real need. Our ancesters survived by being resourceful and so will we. The root of the problem is that the current world population consumes around 3.5x the available resources on planet earth. Not sustainable and hence the impending crunch. The solution: Painful but you will simply have to do with less of everything and none of some things at all. Self sufficiency in food, water and energy is the key. Unfortunately, our short sighted government is doing all the wrong things to fix this which is bad (for example we currently import 50% of all food).

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