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World collapse is coming! What are you going to do?

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When i was being harrassed and stalked by creditors last year who i owed money too ( bank loans,credit cards ,car finance) i decided to go bankrupt to get them off my case and for some piece and quiet, but i had to pay to go bankrupt. Now will The Government have to pay the same fees i did to go insolvent ,and if so , will Dave have to stump up the few hundred reddies out of his own pocket ,seeing as its his name on the account. ? :hihi:

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If the world is coming to an end...........and I very much doubt it,the only exchange to try survive the end will be food! fiat money will have been long gone.....replaced by gold the only currency governments really trust,that's why they are building huge further stockpiles!

"He who has most gold wins" will be the coming mantra, Paper monopoly money will not be worth wiping your @rse on.

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If the world is coming to an end...........and I very much doubt it,the only exchange to try survive the end will be food! fiat money will have been long gone.....replaced by gold the only currency governments really trust,that's why they are building huge further stockpiles!

"He who has most gold wins" will be the coming mantra, Paper monopoly money will not be worth wiping your @rse on.


You didn't mention the clothes peg market,there are going to be a heck of a lot of stinking rich gipsy women with all these beans being consumed.

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This is about the stupidest contribution I have seen on this forum. You were responsible for recklesly borrowing money and now the companies you borrowed from have to pay the price of your reckless behaviour.


Cameron and co have to pick up the pieces after people like you who tragically ran the country (the LABOUR party) and placed it in the mess its in.




When i was being harrassed and stalked by creditors last year who i owed money too ( bank loans,credit cards ,car finance) i decided to go bankrupt to get them off my case and for some piece and quiet, but i had to pay to go bankrupt. Now will The Government have to pay the same fees i did to go insolvent ,and if so , will Dave have to stump up the few hundred reddies out of his own pocket ,seeing as its his name on the account. ? :hihi:
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20 years a go people like the OP used to wander the streets wearing sandwich boards proclaiming "THE END IS NIGH!". Now they can just start swivel-eyed threads like these from the comfort of their 1-bedroom flats. I suppose that's progress of sorts.


Nobody took the sandwich board people seriously for the very good reason it was usually religious nonsense.


The situation we are in now is entirely different, and should be taken very seriously indeed. The world is not ending, but a way of life might very well be.

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The world is not ending, but a way of life might very well be.



Perhaps what comes after will be better, I know I'd rather live in a log cabin in the woods and hunt/grow my own food and never see another human being again.

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The world economy will not collapse, but i feel it will be heavily redistributed. We are about to become the new china of old and i don't think the majority of the UK is ready to accept this new reality.


We had our cake, we ate it and we didn't wash the plate....least the less well off have less of a height to fall from.

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