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Well done Smarmy Dave and Lapdog for bringing the economy to a halt.

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When the ConDems took power 18 months ago economic growth was 0.6% as the UK pulled out of what now is now realised was as a deeper recession than was previously thought.

The ConDems will soon be claiming it wasn't their fault, it was the Eurozone crisis, however ONS stats suggest that economic growth from April to June had already slipped to .1% BEFORE the Eurozone crisis:


From todays Guardian:

The UK economy barely grew in the second quarter as consumers cut spending, compounding more downbeat news from the eurozone and fuelling fears that Britain could soon slip back into recession.


Official data also showed the 2008-2009 recession was deeper than orginally thought. Revising previous numbers, the Office for National Statistics halved its GDP estimate for April to June this year to just 0.1%, suggesting the economy had already ground to a halt BEFORE the European debt crisis escalated in the summer.



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With what's happening on the stock markets, the Euro Zone and more banks going bust, I don't think we'll see any significant growth for a long time, at least 3-4 years.




We were heading back into recession months before the Euro zone crisis as the ONS figs say, thanks to the ConDems.

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Can you read? If you can't there is a coloured picture for you..




Labour piddled away all the money and all the growth. When we start approoaching that debacle again, come back and complain.




No they didn't they spent the money bailing the Cons friends the bankers out, as you well know (even of you are from l***s!)

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Can you read? Economic growth has shrunk from 0.6% pa to .1%.


I can, but since you're willing to stoop to unimaginable levels to make your none points (the last one being the death of a little girl crushed under a tree if I recall) I find it hard to take anything you say seriously.


If the best you can do is repeat phrases like "Smarmy Dave" over and over again then it's clear you're grasping at straws. True to character though.


I see you're now trying to have your cake and eat it. Fine for those who're hard of thinking, but most people on here can see straight through you.


You're an embarrassment, both to yourself and the ideals you claim to represent.

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