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Well done Smarmy Dave and Lapdog for bringing the economy to a halt.

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You're not reading my posts properly. I clearly mention sustainable growth. You can't be saying that we shouldn't be trying to grow our economy can you? I think most Tories would be pretty upset if they thought Osborne was going down that track.


The only growth under Labour is the size of the state sector and dept.

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You seem to be suffering the same old disease many of the anti-tory lot suffer; Predicting the future and presenting it as fact.


Not at all. I'm merely point out that anybody who thinks the AAA rating is safe is deluded.


Unemployment now highest since 1994 and growth has stopped. That means lower tax receipts, more benefit spend, more borrowing a serios risk of an undershoot of deficit reduction targets - which Moodys indicated in June. The AAA rating is not cast iron - it is conditional.

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It's a useful stance since, since as actual real-world events went differently, he can claim what he likes and no one who doesn't have access to some kind of cross-dimensional alternate reality transportation device can prove him wrong.


Indeed, though it does mean he also can't prove he's right ;)


I meant to ask about this magic crystal ball he owns, it'd be nice to know next weeks lotto numbers.

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You seem to be suffering the same old disease many of the anti-tory lot suffer; Predicting the future and presenting it as fact.


But as the labour supporters keep reminding us the recession under labour was a world wide event, even if our government overspending wasn't. But the current recession isn't related to that as it isn't happening in any other country . Oh hang on, it is.

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We were definitely going to lose that AAA credit rating had Labour remained in power and did the things they intended to do.


Really? As I remember it Darling's proposed slower deficit reduction plan was endorsed by ratings agencies.

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