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Well done Smarmy Dave and Lapdog for bringing the economy to a halt.

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I find your ill-informed political gloating to be in very poor taste when an entire industry is still suffering the consequences of the policies of the previous government.




It's not gloating Tone, just telling it how it is. As has been stated the economy WAS recovering as the ConDems inherited an improving situation but now the ConDems seem hell-bent on dragging us back into recession.


You, yourself claimed the construction was doing well not so long ago, looks like the ConDems have put paid to that.

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I find your ill-informed political gloating to be in very poor taste when an entire industry is still suffering the consequences of the policies of the previous government.


You didn't say that a couple of years ago when we had a labour government and the bank crisis hit did you Mr Gloater?

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I find your ill-informed political gloating to be in very poor taste when an entire industry is still suffering the consequences of the policies of the previous government.


And your government is making the situation better how? More unemployment...the typical Tory strategy.



And you wonder why people riot.

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It's not gloating Tone, just telling it how it is. As has been stated the economy WAS recovering as the ConDems inherited an improving situation but now the ConDems seem hell-bent on dragging us back into recession.


You, yourself claimed the construction was doing well not so long ago, looks like the ConDems have put paid to that.





Any idiot with the power to borrow money or print it can make it look like the economy is doing well and it’s likely to get much worse before it gets better.

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Any idiot with the power to borrow money or print it can make it look like the economy is doing well and it’s likely to get much worse before it gets better.




Thank you MrSmith for agreeing with me that the ConDems are incapable of getting even this right.;)

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It amuses me no end that people think Labour would actually do any better than the Coalition. Brown put us very firmly in the position we are in today. He bankrupted this country with his policies and he killed cabinet along with Blair with their continual in fighting. I would suggest that anyone who believes Labour would do better today, to read Andrew Lansley's "Rise and Fall of New Labour". Labour were an embarrassment to the millions of people who voted for them in 1997, believing in a sea of change, and looking forward to a new future.


The coalition on the other hand, are not putting in place the huge regulations that are needed on the City of London. Until this is done, our stagnation will be a good 10+ years.

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You, yourself claimed the construction was doing well not so long ago


Hmm, where did I say that construction was doing well not so long ago?


As an industry it went tits up in 08 and stayed there, entirely due to the overarching financial situation created by the last lot. Some sectors have improved for sure, but there is no golden arrow in construction.

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It amuses me no end that people think Labour would actually do any better than the Coalition. Brown put us very firmly in the position we are in today. He bankrupted this country with his policies and he killed cabinet along with Blair with their continual in fighting. I would suggest that anyone who believes Labour would do better today, to read Andrew Lansley's "Rise and Fall of New Labour". Labour were an embarrassment to the millions of people who voted for them in 1997, believing in a sea of change, and looking forward to a new future.


The coalition on the other hand, are not putting in place the huge regulations that are needed on the City of London. Until this is done, our stagnation will be a good 10+ years.


I would say that is inevitable no matter what regulations they put in place.

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