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Well done Smarmy Dave and Lapdog for bringing the economy to a halt.

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I'm actually in the recycling game myself Easty and would agree with some of your points. On a personal side I'm doing alright ta, but that doesn't mean other people are. Life's not just about looking after No1, we live amongst other people who aren't doing alright too, through no fault of their own!


i was always taught that the jobs wont come to you....you have to go looking for them....

some people are comfortable on the dole....but its not for me....

cannot handle the been out of work since leaving school bit...there aint any work...

get yourself a pair of ladders and clean some windows....

i know if i was a kid...i couldn't survive on 60 quid a week

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I honestly believe Brown would have made a much better fist of things of things than these clowns. He didn't 'bankcrupt' the country, it was the bankers bailout which was supported by everbody at the time, and prevented a much worse economic meltdown, although we may now get this too due to the policies of the current govt.


Labour did do many good things wrt public services, minimum wage etc but were wrong in allowing the industrial base to continue on the path of decline set by the Cons in the 1980's.


Re read what you have wrote above.


He didnt bankrupt the country? Who did then?


Who bailed out the banks, and did not impose any harsh regulations on them?


Public services...Labour abused our public servants. Read Gus O Donnells recent statements about how cosy government was all the rage, with management consultants being brought in left right and centre and our civil service being under utilised. Most of the MASSIVE mistakes in the NHS, Defence etc was due to Labour changing ministers in departments every 5 mins.


Labour were a disgrace. Im embarressed i ever voted that shower.

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Keep up old chap, they are taking on board the Vickers Report.


I'm sure the bank directors are quivering in their boots.


Does the Vickers report allow individual Chief Executives to be stripped of their honours and to be held personally financially responsible for their bank's losses?


Will it make them pay the money back?

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