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Well done Smarmy Dave and Lapdog for bringing the economy to a halt.

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No they didn't they spent the money bailing the Cons friends the bankers out, as you well know (even of you are from l***s!)


I see you havn't changed your tune.


Come back when you are in a more amenable frame of mind and can debate instead of call names all the time.

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I can, but since you're willing to stoop to unimaginable levels to make your none points (the last one being the death of a little girl crushed under a tree if I recall) I find it hard to take anything you say seriously.


If the best you can do is repeat phrases like "Smarmy Dave" over and over again then it's clear you're grasping at straws. True to character though.


I see you're now trying to have your cake and eat it. Fine for those who're hard of thinking, but most people on here can see straight through you.


You're an embarrassment, both to yourself and the ideals you claim to represent.



I think you may need help.:(

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When was that then, because we have not gone back in to recession yet?




Let me try to make it easy for you, when Labour left office the economy was growing at a rate of 0.6% pa, since then the rate of growth has fallen in every quarter since the ConDems have been in power, to such a level (now 0.1%) that we are standing on the brink of recession.

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Let me try to make it easy for you, when Labour left office the economy was growing at a rate of 0.6% pa, since then the rate of growth has fallen in every quarter since the ConDems have been in power, to such a level (now 0.1%) that we are standing on the brink of recession.


What do you think Labour were doing better? And what was growth like in their last few years in office, not just at the end?

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Ok, so the coalition has been in power for what lets see six or so quarters?


Go back that far from when Labour lost and try rolling the numbers. Labour on average over that period were mired deep in the biggest recession - even bigger than their previous calamitous cockup in the 1970's

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Ok, so the coalition has been in power for what lets see six or so quarters?


Go back that far from when Labour lost and try rolling the numbers. Labour on average over that period were mired deep in the biggest recession - even bigger than their previous calamitous cockup in the 1970's



Obviously they were it was called the INTERNATIONAL CREDIT CRUNCH and every economy in the western world was similary effected, our was worse than most because of all of the de-industrialisation we have had since Thatcher.

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Obviously they were it was called the INTERNATIONAL CREDIT CRUNCH and every economy in the western world was similary effected, our was worse than most because of all of the de-industrialisation we have had since Thatcher.


And things aren't struggling internationally now?

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Oh I wondered when you'd pull that dead carcase out of your hat.


I don't recall we did much better in then 1970's with Labour losing their way and begging to the IMF. We had plenty of really crap industry then as well - shame it didn't help us.


Like it or not, the current mess we are in is primarily caused by Blair and Brown stuffing the public sector to buy votes and quite literally piddling all the money away. They were at it well before the subprime crisis and kept on doing it for reasons they only knew.


End result is a recession with literally no money at all to spend ouor way out. That's why the cuts are going ahead - because Labour spent all the money. Otherwise we would be back on track now, having spent the rainy day fund.

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