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Well done Smarmy Dave and Lapdog for bringing the economy to a halt.

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He did nothing of the sort. He did what he was told to do until he got carried away and started dating banks at cocktail parties.




Yes I did sunshine, I even suggested the mechanism for protecting your money.


And please, use my full moniker.




Don't recall that at all I'm sure you wont have trouble in providing a quote or two, from the time, Anthony.

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I remember telling several people the same thing and some of them are now constantly complaining that they are in negative equity and blame the current government.


I know a few people that are in it up to their necks because of mortgages they took out 2005-7. Madness. They were flash in those days. Nice houses, nice cars. Now they watch every single penny.

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This is probably my biggest issue with the Labour party, Gordon Brown, Balls and Ed Miliband, who were all in the Treasury at the time.


Mine too. Such a massive failure.


This is why the Miliband-Balls combination is so toxic

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Mine too. Such a massive failure.


This is why the Miliband-Balls combination is so toxic


Labour are completely unelectable whilst these buffoons are in shadow cabinet, which is not good for the country, because we need the Labour party to be niggling the government and showing us alternatives.


Instead we have 3 political parties which you couldnt get a piece of paper between.



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Labour are completely unelectable whilst these buffoons are in shadow cabinet, which is not good for the country, because we need the Labour party to be niggling the government and showing us alternatives.


Instead we have 3 political parties which you couldnt get a piece of paper between.




Something people always seem to forget is how important the opposition is. They have a job to hold the government to account and examine everything it does. It's tough not to be in power but they are still in a highly responsible position.


What happened 2005-8 is still potentially an achilles heel for the Tories who really did very little to oppose what was happening and in fact supported much of it. Only certain LibDems can really hold their heads up high.

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Something people always seem to forget is how important the opposition is. They have a job to hold the government to account and examine everything it does. It's tough not to be in power but they are still in a highly responsible position.


What happened 2005-8 is still potentially an achilles heel for the Tories who really did very little to oppose what was happening and in fact supported much of it. Only certain LibDems can really hold their heads up high.


I completely agree here. Vince Cables book The Storm is an excellent account of business and banking during this period. I imagine him daily trying to winch the Tories from the Financiers. As much as i have no time for Balls, i struggle to believe Gideon is anyway better. Hopefully at the end of this parliament, Vince will tell some home truths on how the Treasury battles happened.

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There wasn't time for debates, (in any case the right would only have accused him of dithering) he was praised for acting quickly to stave off a much greater financial dislocation.


Do you reckon that JP Morgan paying Tony Blair $2million dollars per annum was any incentive? Just a thought.....:|

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