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Well done Smarmy Dave and Lapdog for bringing the economy to a halt.

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Yes you have a point, but I feel a lot of the argument is really opposing for the sake of it.


It is amazing however, that we have enough money for the Olympic Games, the Jubilee celebrations, the high speed rail link, employing more grandees on £50,000, money for the EU, endless money for grandstanding court cases, etc. whilst simultaneously cutting, cutting, cutting the things that make a real difference to people, like libraries, home helps, benefits for the sick and needy etc.


I think we're being conned...


I agree, the government’s priorities are often bewildering and they often waste more money than is spent wisely.

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Yes you have a point, but I feel a lot of the argument is really opposing for the sake of it.


It is amazing however, that we have enough money for the Olympic Games, the Jubilee celebrations, the high speed rail link, employing more grandees on £50,000, money for the EU, endless money for grandstanding court cases, etc. whilst simultaneously cutting, cutting, cutting the things that make a real difference to people, like libraries, home helps, benefits for the sick and needy etc.


I think we're being conned...


We are being conned. Or at least those who keep endlessly repeating the line about the country being bankrupt and how libraries need to close, schools need to close, jobs need to go etc etc are being conned. Or they are duplicitous liars.


Unemployment at a 17 year high. That'll really help the economy.

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We are being conned. Or at least those who keep endlessly repeating the line about the country being bankrupt and how libraries need to close, schools need to close, jobs need to go etc etc are being conned. Or they are duplicitous liars.


Unemployment at a 17 year high. That'll really help the economy.


Paying them double to do a pointless job would help even less.

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  • 2 months later...

Well it seems we the ConDems have surpassed themselves and now we are actually going back-wards, in contrast to US who have positive growth of 2-3% following more concerted economic stimulus measures.


Osborne, where is the private sector growth you promised, which was going compensate for the contraction in the public services and mop-up the unemployed?



UK is back in recession, OECD says


The OECD says UK output will decline 0.4% in the first three months of 2012 on an annualised basis


Phillip Inman, economics correspondent


guardian.co.uk, Thursday 29 March 2012 17.43 BST

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OECD deputy secretary-general and chief economist Pier Carlo Padoan talks down the UK's economy. Photograph: Eric Piermont/AFP/Getty Images



The UK is heading back into recession and will be among the slowest of the world's largest economies to recover in the first half of this year, according to a study by the Paris-based thinktank, the OECD.


Only Italy will struggle over a longer period to return to growth, highlighting the difficult situation confronting the British government as it battles to boost confidence and get the economy back on track.


In recent weeks surveys have shown the business and consumer sentiment falling back after an initial boost earlier this year.


The Office for National Statistics added to the gloomy prognosis for the economy on Wednesday when it reported a bigger fall in output in the final three months of 2011 than first estimated. It said a previous 0.2% drop in output had underestimated the size of the fall, which further analysis found to be 0.3%.


The OECD, which produces quarterly figures showing year-on-year growth, said that UK output declined at an annual rate of 1.2% in the final quarter of 2011 and will decline at an annual rate of 0.4% in the first three months of 2012.



The OECD also warned that the eurozone remained in a fragile state and would struggle to grow for the rest of the year.


Germany and France will race ahead of the UK in the first half of the year but are forecast to slow down as the year ends.


Consumer and business confidence surveys of the eurozone on Thursday showed a decline that economists described as a blow to hopes of a recovery during 2012.


Sentiment was mixed among individual countries in March. Confidence suffered a relapse in Germany and Spain, while it picked up slightly in France and Italy.


The OECD has criticised Brussels for its failure to build a sufficient firewall of guarantees and insurances to protect against a sovereign collapse.


In a report last week the OECD said the EU should commit at least €1 trillion to safeguard Italy, Spain, Portugal and Ireland against collapse after Brussels put forward plans that limited the rescue fund to €700bn (£580bn).


One of the worst hit industries in the UK is construction, which is a traditional driver of growth after a recession but has barely recovered from the crash.


Balfour Beatty, one of the UK's largest building firms, said it needs to make cuts among its 12,000 services staff.


It warned that reduced public sector spending on infrastructure and maintenance coupled with low levels of commercial property development were hitting profit margins.


Hundreds of construction firms and architecture practices are known to have laid off staff after a rehiring programme in 2010.


Unemployment in the UK has risen for the last year, in contrast to the US, which has maintained several large scale public spending programmes to promote employment and maintain consumer and business confidence.


The US economy is expected to grow at 2.9% in the first quarter and maintain that level of growth through the summer months, according to the OECD.





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We never really came out of this recession. The Govt can play with 0.1 or 0.2% digits and blame our lack of growth on Royal Weddings or snow, but the underlining issue is we are taking on another £120 billion worth of debt this year and we are not investing in the right areas to drag us out of this quagmire.


None of the parties have the answer, they are too busy sucking the nipples of big business and the financial industry.

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Well it seems we the ConDems have surpassed themselves and now we are actually going back-wards, in contrast to US who have positive growth of 2-3% following more concerted economic stimulus measures.


Osborne, where is the private sector growth you promised, which was going compensate for the contraction in the public services and mop-up the unemployed?



UK is back in recession, OECD says


Perhaps you missed this thread:




The OECD seem to get things wrong.


You also missed the bit which said


But many other analysts are predicting economic growth in the first quarter.
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Perhaps you missed this thread:




The OECD seem to get things wrong.


You also missed the bit which said



What's wrong, do you think that matters relating to the state of the economy should be conveniently parcelled-up in one thread. May I remind you of the last day's of Gordon Brown when the right-wing fruitcakes were posting numerous threads on a daily basis, attacking him and Labour, despite their visionionary later policies which lead us and the western economies away from total catastrophe.

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May I remind you of the last day's of Gordon Brown when the right-wing fruitcakes were posting numerous threads on a daily basis, attacking him and Labour, despite their visionionary later policies which lead us and the western economies away from total catastrophe.


Gordon Brown has a supporter who's not called Brown or Balls. May I remind you of the vote in the 2010 election - Labour less than 30% of the vote. You're in no position to label anyone a visionary when you don't even have the power of hindsight.


By the way it was Labour who led us into that total catastrophe in the first place. And don't forget MPs' expenses, etc.

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