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Well done Smarmy Dave and Lapdog for bringing the economy to a halt.

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And increasing unemployment is helping how?


As for MP's expenses, there were MP's on the fiddle from all 3 main parties, and no doubt some are still.


Theres a very interesting graph here which seems to suggest that unemployment was falling rapidly when Labour came to power in 1997, but actually rose whilst they were in government. Now and after a small rise as the public sector was trimmed back it has checked and is falling again. I should imagine by the time of the next election unemployment will be considerably less than it was in 2010.


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Cameron's father began the business in 1979 and he died just after the general election.


Before 1979 it was illegal to take money out of the country without government permission - ISTR no more than £50. I don't imagine that you would like to live in that sort of country?


As for tax havens, well they are there and we have all sorts of screwed up opinions about them both good and bad, but how do you think those nations' economies would fare without being centres for finance?


Just how would you propose dealing with tax havens?


Maybe George Osborne has some ideas:


"I regard tax evasion and, indeed, aggressive tax avoidance, as morally repugnant,” - George Osborne, March 2012

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Theres a very interesting graph here which seems to suggest that unemployment was falling rapidly when Labour came to power in 1997, but actually rose whilst they were in government. Now and after a small rise as the public sector was trimmed back it has checked and is falling again. I should imagine by the time of the next election unemployment will be considerably less than it was in 2010.



I wouldn't count on it. Unemployment's decline post 1993 was due to the very weak Pound against the German Mark, which the Pound had been shadowing before the ERM debacle; and the fact that even John Major realised that you cannot cut your way out of recession.

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They've more than halted it. They've reversed growth. We're officially now in recession after a further 0.2% contraction in output.


As the figures don't come out till tomorrow your post seems to reflect what you wish to see rather than state anything truthful. Why do want to see theeconomy back in recession. Wasn't it bad enough when Labour was in charge and the economy shrunk by more than 6% over raher more than 2 quarters?

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As the figures don't come out till tomorrow your post seems to reflect what you wish to see rather than state anything truthful. Why do want to see theeconomy back in recession. Wasn't it bad enough when Labour was in charge and the economy shrunk by more than 6% over raher more than 2 quarters?


Now they just came out five minutes ago.


I know some people in the government don't know what day it is but please, not the supporters too :hihi::hihi::hihi:

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Can you read? If you can't there is a coloured picture for you..




Labour piddled away all the money and all the growth. When we start approoaching that debacle again, come back and complain.


Labour piddled away the money to save the Banks. If the Tories had been in office they would have done the same thing because there was no other choice.


Blaming Labour might fit in with what you want to believe but the facts are completely different to your fantasy world.

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Not just the banks though - Millennium Dome, ID cards, BSF to name but three.


Or the fact that borrowing is still up even now and the cost of the Olympic spending spiralled out of control under the tories. I don't see what your point is.

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