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Well done Smarmy Dave and Lapdog for bringing the economy to a halt.

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Wonderful contribution old boy.


That's set the discussion straight.


How brave.................


Someone admitting to an affection for TVRs daring to cast aspersions.


If you feel that you have lost the argument then please bow to Wednesday 1s greater knowledge and quietly withdraw from the arena without making childish remarks.


Thank you............


Would you care to add anything of substance to the thread?

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Apologies if someone's already posted this link but just 2 years ago the figures then just released showed a sixth consecutive quarterly economic contraction in the UK. At least today is on the right side of zero. If there's one thing that puts me off voting Labour it's Labour supporters saying how bad things are now without mentioning they were far worse under them. How they expect to sort things out while denying reality can only be guessed at.



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When the ConDems took power 18 months ago economic growth was 0.6% as the UK pulled out of what now is now realised was as a deeper recession than was previously thought.

The ConDems will soon be claiming it wasn't their fault, it was the Eurozone crisis, however ONS stats suggest that economic growth from April to June had already slipped to .1% BEFORE the Eurozone crisis:


From todays Guardian:

The UK economy barely grew in the second quarter as consumers cut spending, compounding more downbeat news from the eurozone and fuelling fears that Britain could soon slip back into recession.


Official data also showed the 2008-2009 recession was deeper than orginally thought. Revising previous numbers, the Office for National Statistics halved its GDP estimate for April to June this year to just 0.1%, suggesting the economy had already ground to a halt BEFORE the European debt crisis escalated in the summer.




And let me guess you would like Wallace and the snarling idiot bully toff to save us?

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Your feeble grasp on reality is showing! We were heading back to recession BEFORE the Euro zone crisis, thanks to the ConDems over zealous spending cut's, despite many economists warning Osborne of the consequences.


You dont like letting facts getin the way of an anti-tory rant do you?


the IMF and the World back both back the UK's austerity measures and the credit ratings agencies, that threatened to downgrade the UK rating while Labour were in power are no longer making such threats.


All of the countries that had suffered the last recession are heading back, its not the UK governments fault, just like the last recession was not the fault of Labour. The outcome and measures put in place post-recession is the only real power any UK government had, and while Labour wanted to spend our way out of recession, a totally idiotic idea and the reason shy they were booted out of office, the Torys and Lib Dems see the need to pay our bills.

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