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Time to ban father christmas?

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oh dear, it allows the children to be happy for a little while, i think children like the idea of father christmas, it gives them something to look forward too.

And as for Disney films, I loved them as a child, watched them constantly, and i have turned out alright.

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Don't confuse:

a. Santa Claus [= Saint Nicholas]; with

b. Father Christmas [who's largely a creation of Coca-Cola!] See http://uk.ask.com/web?q=father+christmas+%22coca+cola%22&sm=adv&dm=all&qsrc=196&o=0&l=dir


Santa Claus = Creation of North American culture and in particular the Coca Cola company who perpetrated his red and white-trimmed outfit.


Father Christmas = British 17th century creation dressed in green fur-lines robe....... or is that what you meant?

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What about the Christmas Pantomime? Pricipal Boy is played by a girl, the Dame is a bloke in drag, there is usually some mentally incapictated person playing Buttons, Aladdin or Jack, they have to be directed by the audience screaming he's behind you ect. What is the world coming to?

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In these enlightened times of tolerance everyone, including rapists, murderers and people generally commiting crime is tolerated - which in my mind shows how far we have progressed.


I do have one concern - FATHER CHRISTMAS.


This man give presents to children that he doen not know, now we have to ask ourselves - WHY ???? what is his motive???? all very suspect if you ask me.


And what of the children, do they expect toys of a strange person, and does this not fuel our consumer society where everyone is a loser? smiling faces, bright lights on christmas trees and brass bands. This is not christmas as it should be in 2011 - we have, as a society moved on.


I would like to see anyone dressed up in a father christmas outfit to be arrested and thrown in jail for 2 years. Anyone giving presents to children in a store or a grotto, should be given a life sentence.


We live in enlightened times and so, should not tolerate this kind of activity


Pssst! Ratty, over here.....Father Christmas isn't a stranger!;)

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