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Non Christians need not apply.

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So she wanted someone that she had something in common with, that is her perogative as employer and management.


OMG. Someone that agrees with me.




I can't see why this is an issue. I remember going for a job at Games Workshop and the manager asked me 'what games do you play?' and I said anything by (a rival company) and he said: sorry, this job's not for you.


I didn't moan. I utterly accept that while I could sell their products, I don't have the passion for them that an avid gamer might; and that's their philosophy and, rather than begrudging them, I applaud it!

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OMG. Someone that agrees with me.




I can't see why this is an issue. I remember going for a job at Games Workshop and the manager asked me 'what games do you play?' and I said anything by (a rival company) and he said: sorry, this job's not for you.


I didn't moan. I utterly accept that while I could sell their products, I don't have the passion for them that an avid gamer might; and that's their philosophy and, rather than begrudging them, I applaud it!


You have just given a valid reason why somebody can be overlooked for a job, precisely because you were not as suitable as the person who was an avid gamer.


How would being a Christian have made me better at calculating standard cost variances for Widget Ltd exactly?


It wouldn't, but such discrimination was once widespread. Which is why anti-discrimination law protects suitable applicants from being discriminated based on their sex, sexuality, race, disability and religion. I agree with this anti-discrimination philosophy, and thankfully the law agrees with me.


I wouldn't take any comfort in the fact that Bassman62 agrees with you.


I'm quite surprised actually. I had you marked down as one of the sensible contributors.

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I'm quite surprised actually. I had you marked down as one of the sensible contributors.


I am! I'm damn grounded but I've no time for all this 'thou shall not' business which is becoming so prevalent in our society - to its downfall.


How would being a Christian have made me better at calculating standard cost variances for Widget Ltd exactly?


I CAN see your point, and, of course, it wouldn't make any difference at all. But even seeing your point, I still don't think it's fair to legislate to an employer who they can and cannot hire.


Sure, in this case, it should make no difference who is employed as long as they can perform the job, but, even still, being TOLD who I can and can't hire just grates against me.


Maybe (and here comes my defence) perhaps, because I'm a reasonable person who wouldn't discriminate, I might be somewhat naive in thinking others would have no problems in doing quite the opposite.


Even still, it still rankles somewhat!


Can you see my point?

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I am! I'm damn grounded but I've no time for all this 'thou shall not' business which is becoming so prevalent in our society - to its downfall.


That reads like you have no time for the laws of the land.

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People these days are multiskilled and your plumber wouldn't be any good without he could drive. :)


What plumber? "without he could drive" ?


These were the two examples of people I gave:


These were the two examples:

But would you promote a Christian with no experience for marketing and communications in the church, or would you promote a non-Christian who is a marketing and communications expert?


A person doesn't have to believe in something to promote it, as part of their job. The OP doesn't actually say anything about promoting Christian beliefs either.


aint no plumbers there Grahame.

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None of you are asking why do they need to be a Christian. The answer is here.




I looked, but couldn't find an answer:


"Chuffed to be President" - Desmond Tutu on Church Army

"I was very chuffed to be asked to become Church Army's first overseas President and so provide my backing and encouragement for the work that Church Army Evangelists and staff do day in and day out to show the love and hope our Lord Jesus Christ brings to the people who really need to know about it."


"Church Army is in the forefront of the work that our Lord would be doing as the Evangelists and staff work to make Jesus famous to those who feel that our churches don't speak their language. I strongly believe that Christians who want to be aligned with our Lord's work in these contexts should be praying for and supporting this work.

May God bless you for your prayerful and financial support of Church Army and may He bless and encourage all Church Army Evangelists and staff in the fantastic and life changing work that they do to help people grasp what it really means to live life to the full under the grace of our Lord.

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