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Gyms are just for vain people...


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I joined a gym at the beginning of December. I'm far from vain. I'd not done much exercise over the last few years, other than cellar work or running up and down on the bar. I was taught to use the mirror to check that my posture is correct when lifting weights or doing aerobics.


I regularly do a class called Body Maximum, which is weight lifting to music. Men and women do it, and having the mirror is so useful to keep in time with the others and to check your posture.


The mirror is also useful to watch the aerobics instructor if out of sight behind someone else. Its not used for vanity in my case. TBH I've not seen any vain people at the gym, I guess they are out posing in bars - everyone is a different shape and has their own goals.


I'm enjoying it, and although I hate spending the money, it's a nice experience and plenty of variety. Running along the road has a monotony of its own....in the gym you can chop and change the exercise you do. OK, it's more luxurious, but I work hard, and deserve the pleasure along with the pain.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by Lista

u dont need to join a bloody gym to get fit! Why do people art fart around with gyms etc? Stick to ur running etc! Gyms are just for vain people... I mean, why dot they have mirrors in them?!


I joined the gym his week, and i'm not vain. True some people (mainly blokes) stare at themselves in the mirrors, but I don't and never will - the reason I am at the gym in the first place is cos I don't wanna see the way I look! Plus running isn't very good for you, and I couldn't exactly run round town could I? I would knock people over, breathe in loads of polluted air and run the risk of being stabbed by one of the many junkies who frequent the Devonshire Green! And i can't exercise in my flat, as I couldn't swing a cat in here and the neighbours would complain.

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I find running to be quite painful. I find it causes a nasty aching pain on the bone of my shin! The whole bone from the knee to the foot really aches! Plus I need a decent support bra otherwise that hurts too!


Aerobics doesn't cause this grief and I can only do aerobics in the gym.

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Aerobics doesn't hurt. I also do Fitball and Body Maximum (weights to music) and feel more toned for doing it. Its just running.....really uncomfortable.


I think aerobics is one of those 'fat burning' things, of course you build stamina, you are co-ordinating a series of movements again and again and you can be so tired you just want to die, but you keep going....that's stamina!

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Lista- I don't think I've ever heard such a crock of s***.


Lazy people? Vain people?


Gym creates self-confidence, fitness, toned/built muscles.


Unbalanced? Maybe if you go to the gym every day and work one muscle group.. You'll find that if you do a proper routine (which are offered by every gym, normally free of charge) where over a period of 3 months you will have achieved what you wanted- Whether that be fitness, toned body, built body etc.


Maybe the women lift heavier weights than you, hence hating the gym?


I'm not massive but I go everyday to maximise fitness and endurance. Plus weights for strength and toned muscles.


Mirrors are motivation.. People don't stand at blow kisses to themselves in mirrors, they watch their own technique to make sure they're doing it right.

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