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Afghanistan. Ten Years of War today.

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This particular war can be read in a million different ways people need to understand this war is for a reason and walking away right now simply isnt an option.


But what is the reason? To begin with it was to destroy poppy production in Helmand, now it seems to be about propping up a demonstrably corrupt regime which rigs elections and helps itself to millions of dollars of Afghan peoples' money. Does anyone know what the current reason is supposed to be?


The problem with going into an unwinable war with an unclear purpose is that you are left with only two options: walk away or stay in it for ever. Is the second really more desirable than the first?

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"You are trying to influence British public opinion, therefore I put you in the same bracket as the Taliban, Al Qaeda and the rest." Oh, right. So governments don't infuluence opinion ? Unlike the vast majority of the british public I have no interest in who's gonna win "factor" or "strictly" but am more interested in this terrible conflict going on in the middle east. A conflict we cannot afford anymore. Do you know the country that has the best standard of living in the world ? It's Norway. Do you know why ? Coz for the last 60 years, unlike the UK they have not gone round getting involved in wars. They look after their own ! I seriously pity you !

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"This is totaly unacesptatable, but what can we do about it" Try gerring off yer backsided for one as I will be doing tommz in Trafalgar Square !


If you are going can I offer some advice. Just shout your points of view, for God's sake don't write out any placards you will just confuse people. :)

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At the risk of claiming a Godwin....Hitler never attacked this country, but we still went to war against him, and quite rightly so. Evil should be confronted, not to do so would be immoral. Standing back and letting evil prevail is a bad thing. Much like Russia and China are doing re Syria.


Well if we are to police the world first hand, rather than funding democratic revolutionary groups in these countries, perhaps we should confront and acknowledge our own hypocrisy before we start condemning "evil".


Of course, any notion that we are a force for good in the region is indeed assuming the reasons for war are exactly what our leaders say. Since states are amoral power centers, I don't have much faith in the humanitarian, emotive rhetoric constantly spoonfed to us by politicians.

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Well if we are to police the world first hand, rather than funding democratic revolutionary groups in these countries, perhaps we should confront and acknowledge our own hypocrisy before we start condemning "evil".


Of course, any notion that we are a force for good in the region is indeed assuming the reasons for war are exactly what our leaders say. Since states are amoral power centers, I don't have much faith in the humanitarian, emotive rhetoric constantly spoonfed to us by politicians.




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