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What gadget couldn't you do without?

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I must say that the gadget I would struggle to cope without is my mobile.


I actually get myself in a bit of a panic if I can't find it.


I know it sounds daft but my phone practically holds my life together socially because myself and my mates all work at different times of the day and getting together in one room can be a chore. My phone allows me to maintain those friendships, helps organise getting together etc.

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gahh. my mobile. never thoguht Id turn into a smartphone geek, but my laptop has bust, and it's actually not the end of the world...because I can get internet on my phone.


My laptop broke to a few month ago so i rely on my phone for ordering stock, emails etc... The only thing i cant do is update my website cos the softwhere wont have non of it :(



If i cant find my phone i start having palpatations and panic attacks LOL

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I found it quite frustrating when our internet connection went down for a couple of days, didn't realise how much I relied on it to look up little bits of information.


Mobile phone I could quite easily manage without, as I only ever use it to text close family and I could always just wait until I see them instead!

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