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Job hunting is soul destroying

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The irony is that those that spout that rubbish have probably never worked or born with a tattoo on their back with the word "pleb".:hihi:


I'm surprised some numbskull hasn't yet suggested she shouldn't have 3 kids.


I think you'll find theres a lot of support for her .

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It is pathetic how companies treat people, most people nowadays use a computer and have an email address and I would imagine most companies use email. It costs nothing to send out a mail saying sorry you have not been successful in your application, they could even have a template of one ready to send.

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Exactly, with the way some of this lot on here talk then nobody should be on benefits and everybody should be in work.


Don't worry. They don't live in the real world.


I've said before it's amazing me every day how people can not comprehend how radically things have changed in this country


OP, keep trying. You'll get there

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I've said this before but it's worth repeating until someone tells me it's a bad idea... have you tried registering with employment agencies? I haven't tried it myself and don't know whether the jobs they handle are the sort that you're looking for, but it might be worth a try.


Especially if you call every day, and sometimes take the time to visit so the staff get to know you personally. My son phoned every day in his lunchtime (from the first, low-waged, job he'd obtained via the agency and took because any job was better than none) and eventually they liked him so much/got so fed up with being hassled that they put him forward for a job which pays far more and which he loves.


No idea if it'll work for you, but perhaps worth a go


Note to Claire - I don't mind if you don't do this, but if you don't, please post to say why not! :)

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A few friend are having the same problem. One quit his job to go to uni, a good job too. Now he has his degree, but there are very few jobs about. As a consequence he goes for whatever is out there and gets told that he's over qualified. His degree actively counts against him. It's a joke.

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I feel my knowledge holds me back, i have a massive amount to offer in certain fields but i feel i'm overlooked as i'm often more qualified and experienced that the person that is interviewing me and they'd rather have someone that is less experienced due to thier own ambitions.

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I feel my knowledge holds me back, i have a massive amount to offer in certain fields but i feel i'm overlooked as i'm often more qualified and experienced that the person that is interviewing me and they'd rather have someone that is less experienced due to thier own ambitions.


I think there is a lot of truth in that. If you turn up to an interview with better qualifications and skills than the interviewer, they will see you as a threat, rather than an asset.

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For the first time in my life I find myself unemployed and it is so miserable. I was made redundant last year, had a baby and now my baby is old enough I'm job hunting. Its proper tough out there. I have lots of skills and experience as well as paper qualifications to back that up, I have a professionally produced CV but it doesn't seem to be enough!

Most of the jobs I've applied for I don't even get a reply to even though I know they're within the scope of my experience. I've had 2 interviews but didn't get the job, one of the employers haven't even bothered to reply to say I didn't get it.

I never expected to find this so hard but its making me quite depressed :(

I'm working on adding to my skills with online courses etc but I have 3 children so its not easy!

Just having a rant really! I get increasingly frustrated by the fact that companies don't send replies but I presume they are cost cutting on stationary and postage?! :confused:

Good to get a rant out :) Stick with it Claire, you'll find a job. There is work for anyone who wants it. Interesting what you say about your CV. A CV, I think needs to be written differently depending on the job you are applying for. (seems obvious to me, but clearly not to others)


A classic example is this; sorry to pick you out anon...

I feel my knowledge holds me back, i have a massive amount to offer in certain fields but i feel i'm overlooked as i'm often more qualified and experienced that the person that is interviewing me and they'd rather have someone that is less experienced due to thier own ambitions.


I think your CV is wrong then for the job that you are applying for. I think your knowledge is holding you back! People shouldn't use things when they aren't necessary.


For example:

If I was looking for work, and applied for a cleaner at McBurgerKing, I would omit to tell them in my C.V, that I had a degree in Metaphysics. I would be more inclined to mention that I am a hard worker and was since 12 yo when I did 3 paper rounds a week. If I was MrMcBurger King, I know who I'd take on. (granted I'm exaggerating to establish a point)

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