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Job hunting is soul destroying

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Thanks for all the supportive posts, I was expecting to get some criticism for having 3 kids but on the flip side I had what I thought was a secure job which I'd had for 6 years when I was had my 2nd son. I returned back to work then got made redundant to find I was pregnant again. Also, I was unfairly dismissed so that was a shock.

I'm not claiming benefits, other than child benefit, as my husband is working so we just about manage.

Its more about the frustration that there are hardly any part time jobs out there and the majority of the time you don't get a reply. Like someone else said, a lot of the applications are via e-mail so I don't understand why they can't send an e-mail back to say 'no thank you'! I recently applied for a job at a primary school in the office, I met all the criteria they requested and gave examples and evidence of how I met the requirements but never even got an interview. They said they'd give feedback if requested for unnsuccessful applicants - I have asked for this 3 times now in the last 5 weeks but had no reply!

I am registered with an agency but no work has come forward yet. The problem with agency work is that they might ring you up on the day you're needed and if you have young children like I have then childcare is an issue. If it's a permanant job with set hours it makes it easier to organise care. Maybe its because I am restricted to part time work, I have seen a few full time ones advertised but I am not able to work full time. I'll keep plugging away, something will come up I'm sure. Because its the first time I've been out of work since leaving school I guess I just wasn't prepared for how hard it is and I now appreciate how others must feel who've been job hunting for a while.

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Most of the jobs I've applied for I don't even get a reply to even though I know they're within the scope of my experience. I've had 2 interviews but didn't get the job, one of the employers haven't even bothered to reply to say I didn't get it.

I never expected to find this so hard but its making me quite depressed :(

I'm working on adding to my skills with online courses etc but I have 3 children so its not easy!

Just having a rant really! I get increasingly frustrated by the fact that companies don't send replies but I presume they are cost cutting on stationary and postage?! :confused:


Employers can get hundreds of applications for a job, they aren’t going to reply to them all but surely they can find time to reply to those that they have interviewed, don’t take this the wrong way but just imagine you are a employer :-


You have compiling your shortlist ……… several applicants have no “baggage” and can devote their time to the job while one has 3 kids ……. which one would you give the job to.


It’s going to be hard but good luck.

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How would they know from my CV that I have 3 kids? Why would this stop me from devoting my time at work to my job? Having kids has never stopped me being dedicated to my job and the fact I have been in constant employment throughout my adult life surely shows that I am able to balance my home and work life perfectly well!

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O`dear you seem to have missed this line …. “don’t take this the wrong way but just imagine you are a employer” …… I hope you didn’t come across so defensively in your interview.


I was only stating the obvious, with dozens if not hundreds of applicants a employer can afford to be choosey.


If you haven’t put on your CV that you have 3 kids what have you put under the personal information section. :suspect:

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During an interview I have never been presented with questions that doubt my dedication to a job therefore I have never felt the need to act defensively. I have always shown enthusiasm and commitment to any role I have been interviewed for. In the past I have been offered almost every role I've been interviewed for but I understand now that there are many, many more applicants for one role so the competition is stronger. I am doing my best to improve my skills and seek ways to make myself more marketable.

In the personal information section I have put my name, DOB that I am married with a family, have a full driving licence and transport, not much more than that needs to be said.

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Just a quick note on the reply situation.


I am just a "one man band" with my wife helping as and when required.

Somehow, i must be on a list in a job club (or clubs) as being a prospective employer, which i am not.


I get on average 25 letters per week asking for work. I really do feel sorry for these people, but i cannot afford the time or money to reply to all these letters, and feel bad i can't reply to them.


I did send a letter to 3 of them, enclosing a SAE, explaining the situation and asking for details of were my address appears so i could write to them so i could save people time and money.........i got no replies.

So the applications still keep coming and they still keep going in the bin......sorry

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Just a quick note on the reply situation.


I am just a "one man band" with my wife helping as and when required.

Somehow, i must be on a list in a job club (or clubs) as being a prospective employer, which i am not.


I get on average 25 letters per week asking for work. I really do feel sorry for these people, but i cannot afford the time or money to reply to all these letters, and feel bad i can't reply to them.


I did send a letter to 3 of them, enclosing a SAE, explaining the situation and asking for details of were my address appears so i could write to them so i could save people time and money.........i got no replies.

So the applications still keep coming and they still keep going in the bin......sorry

your name will certainly be on a list which will be accessed by the like of a4e/remploy etc. so when the victims(unemployed) are sent to these places and they have to search for jobs your details will be there hence 25 letters a week asking you for a job
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