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How do you get rid of pigeons? they keep landing on our fence

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Just built a fence and although its not something that bothers me so much, it annoys the neighbour and he is blowing a gasget and making lots of noise.


He built a fence to seperate the gardens, fair enough, the problem is that pigeons and other birds keep landing on the fence to have a look round.


The problem is everytime this happens he keeps running out of the house shouting and balling at the pigeons/or birds, they fly away, he goes back into the house, another bird lands on the fence, he runs out shouting at the birds, they fly away, he goes back into the house, another bird.....you get the idea?


Is there anything that can be done to stop the birds landing on the fence, my gripe is the noise made by the neighbouh, his gripe is that he did not build a fence for birds to sit on.


So what can be done here, is there anything on the market that puts birds off fences? (he is outside again shouting - again :help:)

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Shooting Pigeons is also illegal, as they're protected species.


No it isn't. Shooting both wood and feral is covered by the general licence, though should not be done with a toy but a proper air rifle by an experienced hunter who can guarentee a clean kill.


My experience with pigeons is they are pretty canny at knowing the difference between a man and a man with a gun so you don't actually have to kill them, I've sucessfully kept them off my veg patches for years by just firing a .22 pellet near to one but not at it if they get too far up the fields once every couple of weeks in spring and soon you have a nice 100ft area they don't go near.

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