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How do you get rid of pigeons? they keep landing on our fence

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  • 1 month later...
So what can be done here, is there anything on the market that puts birds off fences? (he is outside again shouting - again :help:)


You could always try ranting at them ... and ask them if they read the Daily Fail or how many aliases they have! :hihi:

Edited by Sir Enoch
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I realise that Google and the ability to use a mouse makes everyone an expert on matters for which they have no knowledge. Personally I've owned shotguns for more than 15 years and I've a pretty good understanding of what I can and can't do with them.

Shooting pigeons requires a license, however as they are covered under DEFRAs general pest control license, individuals do not need their own license providing they are shooting them in an area where shooting is permitted. So if you can shoot on the land you can shoot (most types of ) pigeons on it as they are regarded as pests. Obviously if you live in a flat on the Manor you are not permitted to shoot them from your neighbour's window sill, but that has little to do with licenses.




Indeed you can shoot them on your own property, Air gun would be my choice. Keep in mind you have to be 50' from the centre of the highway and your pellet must not leave the confines of your boundry, ie - it must not fall onto your neighbours land.





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