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Jenny Vegas (in concert? somewhere?)


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I'd never heard of this person until she guested on Roney's show on RS the other day.


Apparently she was grabbed impromptu from backstage at the Crucible where she is doing...err something I think. (Cleaning maybe?).


First impressions and all that - but as soon as she began speaking my gut sank as she sounded a right thick scrubber. (Sorry to be so blunt - but that's what she sounded like).


She began by saying to Roney that he had caught her at a busy time as she was in the middle of a big "tooarr". Adding that she had to go to Dempsey's bar next at the bottom of the moor and then on to Chesterfield.


She then goes on to talk about her book, which, according to Richard and Judy, is the best thing they've ever read. Then she talks about a calendar she's done, for "Dave's Tyres" - adding that she's "the face of Dave's Tyres".


And it soon became apparent that this was a very clever wind up. She wasn't a thick scrubber at all - but she sure knows how to sound like one.


I found this clip of her on YouTube - I won't add it here because it contains some strong language (well 2 words in the whole sketch - but I wouldn't wish to offend anyone). But for those of you with a broad mind and sense of humour you may find it amusing.


(Unless of course, you sound just like her).

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I have seen her before.


It's a bit like Peter Kay, only instead of a working-class bloke having a laugh with people who relate, it's a middle-class actress who is making fun of chavs and working-class people... Which comes across as a bit mean rather than funny, to me. It's been done so many times, so much better.

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I know what you mean Snook and I agree to some extent with what you are saying.


It's interesting that you pick up on the fact that this is a middle class person making fun of the working class - and because of that it comes over as being a bit mean.


If you take Peter Kay - I think most of us would say that he is "being himself" when he is having a laugh at his kindred. So that seems to make it better because it isn't seen so much as taking the p out of folks, because he's effectively having a joke upon himself.


For me then, what this is saying is that it's ok to have a laugh at some sections of society, if you are seen as belonging to that section of society. However, if you do not belong to that section of society then it is not received so well.


I think you're right, others have done this better - people like (the girl who plays Mrs Merton - sorry, forgot her name now). She's a broad Manc and comes over as being a working class girl. For that we allow her to have a laugh and poke fun at where she is from.


This Jenny Vegas character is very much about a dim Sheffield female. She has got this character off to a tee if you ask me. The accent is absolutely spot-on. It's the first time I've known anyone focus in on Sheffield with such a sketch - and I suspect it won't be funny to many who watch it - because it's a little too close to home. It's almost too accurate a character portrayal for comfort - and the fact that the person portraying it is "not one of us" makes it unforgivablely unfunny (to some).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I saw the show when it was first performed. The whole point is quite obviously the parodying of modern 'get everything with no discernible talent' celebrity culture. It is in no way a play based on class issues, but everything to do with cultural issues. If anyone who watches thinks that this is a mickey take of the working classes, they are completely missing the point. I too have seen the videos on youtube which feature interviews with the people involved in the show's creation. I enjoyed the show so much I will be seeing it again at Dempseys.

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I think you're probably right about that. The subtlety of it will be lost here though quite easily!:)


This is a city where if you pronounce your "h's" you are considered "posh".


And if you live in:








you are considered so posh as to cause offence to others, just by living there.

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