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Possible Asbestos exposure in Sharrow early 70's?


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I grew up on Washington Road flats in the early 70's and went to Porter Croft School. I was always ill at home and school ans suffered from asthma, eczema, bad eyesight and hay fever just to mention a few problems. I then moved to nether edge and slowly got better. However, I have recently been diagnosed with M.S. My GP says it's from an imflamation in my brain but no-one seems to know how it came about. I have done some research and found that it could be as a result of exposure to Asbestos. I am still having tests done but I believe that it Asbestos exposure. It's funny how I seemed to get better when I moved house. When I started High School (High Storrs) I seemed to get bad again and now I'm 38 and my health is on the declone - I cannot walk without an aid and my nerves are a mess. I was a very active young man and was into football and athletics at school but now I can't even run or jump to save my life. It is really depressing because I have small children and I would love to play football with my sons instead of just watching. Did anyone else live on the washington road flats or go to Porter croft or High Storrs school in the late 60's to late 80's? One of my uncles that used to live with us recently died of a mystery muscle waisting disease and I am going exactly the same way and another uncle has mysterious bone issues... I am thinking about claiming compensation!!

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