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The rhino whip affair.


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If one watch any of the old South African or Slave movies all the boss carry Rhino whips (tails)just like the British officers carry canes:cool::cool:


But the one in question was "about eight inches long, the thickness of a finger, of gut-like material, and with a loop of plaited string at one end".

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That's right, and that's why we are in the mess we are in, crime stats show downward trend = People no longer report crime.


Im all for a bit of Rhino whip if it keeps the criminal classes under control. But its too late, loonies run the asylum.

It would be out of order to Rhino whip fiddling Bankers ,M.P's, Newspaper editors, Royal Landowners, Pay day lenders and all the rest of the loonies that run THEIR asylum.

Wun't it!

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It would be out of order to Rhino whip fiddling Bankers ,M.P's, Newspaper editors, Royal Landowners, Pay day lenders and all the rest of the loonies that run THEIR asylum.

Wun't it!


True cuttsie, all the people we should be able to trust seem to be the biggest lawbreakers.

I often wonder how many innocent people were made to admit crimes simply because they were beaten into submission. That was of course before the days of tape recorded interviews.

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True cuttsie, all the people we should be able to trust seem to be the biggest lawbreakers.

I often wonder how many innocent people were made to admit crimes simply because they were beaten into submission. That was of course before the days of tape recorded interviews.


And then there was the nice bobby Father-in law who being called out to a domestic (wife beating)would kick the hell out of the bully the only way to teach was to give them a bit of their own ,the law of the day being every husband as a right to beat his wife, as said in Oliver Twist "the law is an ass":D:D

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My thanks to those who bought my book 'Boopers Tale' ( I have 24 left out of 600 and over 100 sold on Kindle ) -before people get excited I haven't made any money and a donation has gone to British Heart Foundation.. now re the R/Whip affair -myself and Duckenfield ( of Hillsboro fame!!!) were posted into CID to replace DC's Millicheap and Streets after they were sacked...1963 (exactly 50 years ago.) My reason for entering this debate is to say that what I wrote 30 years ago in 'Boopers Tale' is now proven. This was the 'world' I entered in Water Lane C.I.D.... bashing prisoners/telling lies in court/inventing and planting evidence....only 2 ex-cops have challenged the book publicly by writing to the press and neither of them were ever 'real' coppers....was the R/whip affair or the way I tackled crime justified??? you will have your own thoughts on that but suffice to say your mother and little children could walk the streets safely at almost any time of day - can they now ???

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It would be out of order to Rhino whip fiddling Bankers ,M.P's, Newspaper editors, Royal Landowners, Pay day lenders and all the rest of the loonies that run THEIR asylum.

Wun't it!


Other than Royal landowners who create employment and maintain the countryside. I could not agree more.


I would include Unite the Union.


---------- Post added 07-11-2013 at 16:47 ----------


My thanks to those who bought my book 'Boopers Tale' ( I have 24 left out of 600 and over 100 sold on Kindle ) -before people get excited I haven't made any money and a donation has gone to British Heart Foundation.. now re the R/Whip affair -myself and Duckenfield ( of Hillsboro fame!!!) were posted into CID to replace DC's Millicheap and Streets after they were sacked...1963 (exactly 50 years ago.) My reason for entering this debate is to say that what I wrote 30 years ago in 'Boopers Tale' is now proven. This was the 'world' I entered in Water Lane C.I.D.... bashing prisoners/telling lies in court/inventing and planting evidence....only 2 ex-cops have challenged the book publicly by writing to the press and neither of them were ever 'real' coppers....was the R/whip affair or the way I tackled crime justified??? you will have your own thoughts on that but suffice to say your mother and little children could walk the streets safely at almost any time of day - can they now ???


My point exactly Booper, it was wrong in some ways but right in others. Many extoll the virtues of Sillitoe and how he broke the Sheffield gangs by being tougher and more ruthless than they were. The self same people bleat about Police excesses today.


Are you going to do another book? I thought your first one whilst controversial, was a very good read. I lived In Rotherham through the time you were working there. I remember a great big copper, only young but stood no nonsense.


I was one of the pubs on Westgate and two well known neer do wells came in followed by him and another cop, he told them that Westgate was his beat and to get out, get out of the area or he would make life a misery for them. It was like watching a John Wayne film. They supped up and left tails between legs. A delight to watch. He would get the sack today.

Edited by Hillpig
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Hillpig - thanks for comments re book 'Boopers Tale' - I wasn't going to bother with another book because you will realise the first one was written to serve a purpose i.e. to give me something to do in the 'nick' - however I am 'still' after all these years being asked how did an ex cop go on in prison??? so I am onto 5th chapter 'Boopers Prison Tale' - the only problem is that in first book there was 50 years of stories ( 100 per cent true by the way!!) whereas in the second book only 2 years 8 months.... at least now though I have the contacts to publicise through Radio Sheff/Press etc...

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My thanks to those who bought my book 'Boopers Tale' ( I have 24 left out of 600 and over 100 sold on Kindle ) -before people get excited I haven't made any money and a donation has gone to British Heart Foundation.. now re the R/Whip affair -myself and Duckenfield ( of Hillsboro fame!!!) were posted into CID to replace DC's Millicheap and Streets after they were sacked...1963 (exactly 50 years ago.) My reason for entering this debate is to say that what I wrote 30 years ago in 'Boopers Tale' is now proven. This was the 'world' I entered in Water Lane C.I.D.... bashing prisoners/telling lies in court/inventing and planting evidence....only 2 ex-cops have challenged the book publicly by writing to the press and neither of them were ever 'real' coppers....was the R/whip affair or the way I tackled crime justified??? you will have your own thoughts on that but suffice to say your mother and little children could walk the streets safely at almost any time of day - can they now ???


Well Boops It is about 40 years ago that the Yorkshire ripper started to terrorise the Streets of Yorkshire and took your lot 10 years to catch him so the mothers and their daughters were not always safe in your day.

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Well Boops It is about 40 years ago that the Yorkshire ripper started to terrorise the Streets of Yorkshire and took your lot 10 years to catch him so the mothers and their daughters were not always safe in your day.


That's not right, Leeds Police couldn't catch him, the first time Sutcliffe came to Sheffield he got caught. You should apologise.

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